Justice is the sum of all moral duty.

Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.

We have a moral duty to have an efficient government.

The more peace there is in us, the more peace there will be in our troubled world.

I think coercive taxation is theft, and government has a moral duty to keep it to a minimum.

To provoke dreams of terror in the slumber of prosperity has become the moral duty of literature.

I think we have a political and moral duty to do everything within our power to maintain the Good Friday Agreement.

We would consider it our moral duty to lend all support to the ending of colonialism and imperialism so that people everywhere are free to mould their own destiny.

We educated, privileged lawyers have a professional and moral duty to represent the underrepresented in our society, to ensure that justice exists for all, both legal and economic justice.

As a German citizen, as a German professor, and as a political person, I hold it to be not only my right but also my moral duty to take part in the shaping of our German destiny, to expose and oppose obvious wrongs.

By the fulfillment of my legal and moral duty I think I have earned punishment just as little as the tens of thousands of dutiful German officials who have now been imprisoned only because they carried out their duties.

Ultimately, we have just one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves, more and more peace, and to reflect it towards others. And the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will be in our troubled world.

I see this rise in rough sleeping and homelessness - in one of the wealthiest cities in the world - as a growing source of shame. And as Londoners, as a city, and as a country, I believe we have a moral duty to tackle it head-on.

I write because something inner and unconscious forces me to. That is the first compulsion. The second is one of ethical and moral duty. I feel responsible to tell stories that inspire readers to consider more deeply who they are.

Our leaders must hear us speaking on behalf of our brothers and sisters in South Sudan. If the moral duty to save lives and work toward peace is not compelling enough to drive decision-makers, we must remind them that we care and will hold them accountable.

For my part, let me be clear: protecting those in society most at risk of harm, those crushed at the bottom of the heap, those who have been abused by the very people who should have looked after them, is, as home secretary, my job, but I also see it is as my moral duty.

I am sick and tired of hearing that it is our moral duty to serve the state, because conservatives believe that it is our moral duty to serve our fellow man regardless of race, sex, affiliation or creed, and when we serve, we believe that it is the state's duty to get out of the way.

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