Motivation is motive in action.

A wrong motive involves defeat.

Profit per se is not my motive.

Never mistake motive for action.

The key to motivation is motive.

I rarely find motive in bird vomit.

In the motive lies the good or ill.

The motive of success is not enough.

The motive power of democracy is love

Vanity is a motive of immense potency.

The motive power of democracy is love.

The noblest motive is the public good.

The motive power is the cause of all life.

No one does anything from a single motive.

Pure motives do not insure perfect results.

Motives are causes experienced from within.

Almost all education has a political motive.

Man sees your actions, but God your motives.

Conviction is a good motive, but a bad judge.

The writer, like the murderer, needs a motive.

Every action needs to be prompted by a motive.

Beautiful words are ugly motives best friends.

The distance is nothing when one has a motive.

What makes life dreary is the want of a motive.

Actions are visible, though motives are secret.

Life always take on the character of its motive.

Take away the motive, and you take away the sin.

Love is a far more dangerous motive than dislike.

The eternal ambiguity of human motives and memory.

The motive force of history is truth and not lies.

What society wants is a new motive, not a new cant.

Where destruction is the motive, unity is dangerous.

Is hacking ever acceptable? It depends on the motive.

Be sure that your motive in praying is to glorify God.

He who has no passion has no principal or motive to act.

The motive of fear is the be-all and end-all of religion.

Magnanimity will not consider the prudence of its motives.

People have motives and thoughts of which they are unaware.

I have become the chief minister not with a selfish motive.

Motive is never easy. Sometimes it occurs to one only later.

All impediments in fancy's course Are motives of more fancy.

It's motive alone which gives character to the actions of men.

Men who just call to say hello generally have ulterior motives.

It is the man that makes the motive, and not the motive the man.

You don't have to have the capitalistic profit motive philosophy.

Glory ought to be the consequence, not the motive of our actions.

When we pray we link ourselves with an inexhaustible motive power.

No particular motive for living, except the custom and habit of it.

Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind.

We can never understand other people's motives, nor their furniture.

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