My music, certainly, has never embarrassed me.

I'm never gonna stop music, it's like air to me.

The orchestral or symphonic music never interested me.

Pop music for me was definitely escapist, but never studious.

Elvis Presley's music never meant anything to me. Mambo was the music I loved - it spoke to me.

Music for me, it's pretty annoying, because I've never had a successful solo career and it bugs me.

The reason I never wanted to sign with a big label was because I didn't want no one telling me how to make my music.

I found a certain kind of music congenial to me; it never occurred to me to write music that was academically acceptable.

It never occurred to me that I'd be a musician. I was just drunk on music, jamming with friends, chilling out with lot of music around.

The orchestra confides in me about their music director or their conductor, and I've never seen a conductor that's been liked by everyone.

Music composition was a creative call for me, and it gives me a kick. But I never thought that I would ever sing professionally, even though I used to sing a lot.

Let me say that I've never thought to conduct because the conductor has to think to the music before the orchestra. And the orchestra comes later. For me, it's terrible.

That type of autograph, pictures and apparel thievery was not part of what I grew up with. I loved the artists and their music. I would be thrilled to meet them, but the thought of getting a scribble or stealing an article of clothing never occurred or appealed to me.

I had a drummer in my band who started teaching me tricks to come up with interesting rhythms. Because I don't come from a musical background, I've never studied music, and I don't know music theory at all, so a lot of stuff I discover on my own are things students would learn in the first grade of music.

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