Let's nail it down, let's get it right.

I love a bit of nail art, I'm a girly girl.

I'm a nail biter and have been my whole life.

Painting is a nail to which I fasten my ideas.

I haven't frequented a nail salon in a long time.

Nail polish is like the icing on the beauty cake.

When I arrived, I defended Real Madrid tooth and nail.

Nude nail polish wins hands down over intricate nail art.

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Anyone in the Tooth & Nail or Drive-Thru scene was my thing.

I typically don't wear nail polish, as I like a natural look.

I love nail art and anything that sparkles and grabs attention.

I do think a carpenter needs a good hammer to bang in the nail.

Actually, I wear the nail polish to hide how grubby my nails are.

A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit.

I'm totally opposed to vouchers. I will fight them tooth and nail.

If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.

It's more fun to write stuff when you know someone's going to nail it.

In my school, we wore uniforms and couldn't apply nail polish or kajal.

And I wouldn't take on such a big thing if I didn't think I could nail it.

If you don't have humour, then you may as well nail the coffin lid down now.

I'll fight like a wildcat until they nail the lid of my pine box down on me.

My name is Kurt Schwitters... I am an artist and I nail my pictures together.

It's OK if you fail a few times. Just keep getting back up until you nail it.

I am not metrosexual. I am not macho. I am normal. I don't even wear nail paint.

I am not a super-talented guy, I'm just a dude who will fight you tooth and nail.

I'm not trying to write a perfect record. I'm just trying to nail a moment in time.

Disco dancing is just the steady thump of a giant moron knocking in an endless nail.

When I need to nail that riff to the cross, Marshall will always provide the hammer!

I can't live without Eucerin cream, lip gloss, gum, nail polish, and sparkly things.

Chemistry is one of those things: it's hard to nail down what it is or how you get it.

I always try to have a fun nail. It's something whimsical that you can pull off anytime.

My grandmother had this high-tech security system - a rusty nail she used to lock the door.

You have to have talent. You have to get the audition and then you have to nail the audition.

I think the Greeks were the only people ever to nail character. Their heroes are deeply flawed.

Every now and then you'll nail one that's really, really special. And that's what you live for.

A rusty nail placed near a faithful compass, will sway it from the truth, and wreck the argosy.

Once I've got that world title I'll never want to lose it. I'll fight tooth and nail to keep it.

I toured in Europe first, before I did any touring in the U.S. It was with Jimmy Nail and others.

There is no set way of getting a role - you don't give an exam, score well, and then nail a film.

I've been trying to nail it into everyone's heads that I feel like I am the most versatile rapper.

I don't think God cares if I wear nail polish or not. I don't think that's a deal breaker for him.

There are no nail salons in Paris - it is very expensive to do a manicure. I sometimes get one done.

I am personally am a fan of buff nails - not so much of clear polish, but a great buff nail is amazing.

Comedy is wonderful when you really nail it and you hear people laughing, but it's not always that easy.

There's, like, a dark needle or a nail that lives at the back of all of our heads, and that's your fear.

A woman with organizing skills can run a construction company without ever picking up a hammer and nail.

It's been hard for me to nail visual language and personal style because I like so many different things.

I'm really interested in vegan nail polishes, because a lot of nail polishes have a lot of toxins in them.

I prefer my men slightly overweight. Having said that, my ultimate dream man is Jimmy Nail and he's skinny.

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