I never had a penny to my name, so I changed my name.

I could trade without knowing the name of the market.

Some names to look forward to - perhaps in the future

I still wake with your name on my lips every morning.

So long as they speak your name, you shall never die.

First name: Mister; middle name: period; last name T.

I don't think a name defines the core of who you are.

God wrote a book on suffering, and its name is Jesus.

Convention is another name for the habits of society.

Soldiers, in the name of democracy, let us all unite!

None merits the name of Creator but God and the poet.

I've never lived in a building without my name on it.

Friendship is but a name; fidelity but an empty name.

It turned out that, like Satan, cancer had many names.

My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again.

...reality, the name we give to the common experience.

Cap Boso? How could I cut a guy with a name like that?

If I were a bottle of wine, my name would be Thom Cork

Prosperity, alas! is often but another name for pride.

To live in mankind is far more than to live in a name.

Growing up,I came up with this name: I'ma Cablinasian.

It's nice to see your name in print. It's interesting.

Air Canada. That's a good name for a Canadian airline.

I'm a smoker, my name is Snoop Dogg, and I'm a stoner.

It's hard to have a dialogue when you're name-calling.

Normally, I name my characters after famous comedians.

Love is the silent saying and saying of a single name.

Dame Poverty gave me my name, And Pain godfathered me.

I'm horrible at remembering names, embarrassingly bad.

There is no justice in killing in the name of justice.

Yeah, I can read music and I know the names of chords.

I have this idiot name tag which says 'controversial.'

You can't fight City Hall. It keeps changing its name.

My full name is E.G. Marshall. I am known by no other.

No orator can top the one who can give good nicknames.

I became a total yes. We don't even have names anymore.

I'm going to memorize your name and throw my head away.

What a strange family you are! Is your name Lettie too?

Like putting a name to my problems would solve anything

And I don't like books which are full of name dropping.

Name me an emperor who was ever struck by a cannonball.

The name Sissy came because my brothers called me that.

My wife." "By what name is she called, Kincaid?" "Mine.

Do not get a name as overly lavish or too inhospitable.

Suicide is not a blot on anyone’s name; it is a tragedy

Death is a displaced name for a linguistic predicament.

Once your name gets out, people just want to crack you.

Luck is my middle name. Mind you, my first name is Bad.

All names will soon be restored to their proper owners.

Imagination is but another name for super intelligence.

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