Never, never, never give up.

Never, never, never give up.

If you fall behind, run faster. Never give up, never surrender, and ...

If you fall behind, run faster. Never give up, never surrender, and rise up against the odds.

Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will ...

Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.

Never give up.

I never give up hope.

Never give up on anybody.

I never give up on things.

I just say, 'Never give up.'

Always dream. Never give up!

I'll never give up my style.

I am a fighter. I never give up.

Never give in and never give up.

Never give up, and never give in.

I'll never give up my Dior mascara.

That is how I play, I never give up.

Never give up on whatever you want to do.

You should never give up your inner self.

Never give up on something you believe in.

My motto has always been, 'Never give up.'

You should never surrender, never give up.

Never give up or you are big time jabroni.

Atletico is a rival who will never give up.

If you never give up, you'll be successful.

Never give up. Laugh a lot. Be good to others.

Never give up. It's never over until it's over.

I will never give up, and I will never give in.

Never give up. You only get one life. Go for it!

Never give up, have the passion. Don't be afraid.

You must never give up and have faith in yourself.

I never give up. Doesn't matter what the score is.

Freedom and democracy are dreams you never give up.

I will never give up on football that is played well.

Never give up if it is something that you really want.

Never give up; for even rivers someday wash dams away.

Your victory is right around the corner. Never give up.

Never give up. That's my Clippers story, never give up.

One must never give up and always believe in one's self.

Be fearless. Be glib. Be enigmatic. Read. Never give up.

The secret of our success is that we never, never give up.

I am a fighter; I will keep fighting and will never give up.

Never give up, and always believe you can achieve something.

Don't ever give up. You gotta keep trying, and never give up.

I am determined and never give up. Ever. I always do my best.

I never give up on my players, and I'll never give up on people.

The will to never give up and to be fearless. That's what I have.

Never give up, because at the end of it all we all trying to win.

The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.

Never give up. And never, under any circumstances, face the facts.

When something really matters, you should never give up or give in.

Never give up on your child. But also, you have to love your child.

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