Together we are building a new Mexico.

We are not strangers to poverty in New Mexico.

New Mexico has been, in the past, a swing state.

New Mexico is an environment where we are open for business.

Las Vegas, New Mexico has had a lot of great movies shot there.

We need to grow the private sector in every corner of New Mexico.

New Mexico was such a strange place; it was like filming on Mars.

New Mexico is one of the top energy-producing states in the nation.

I have traveled to many places but have no desire to leave New Mexico.

I grew up in trailer houses in New Mexico, Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma.

I came to know Christ at the age of 13 during church camp at Glorieta, New Mexico.

New Mexico is full of brave men and women who have dedicated their lives to service.

It would be nice if every state were like New Mexico and cared about the Indian vote.

New Mexico is the second Hollywood. No, it is, it is. They built all sorts of film studios.

I grew up all over the place, but the majority of my years were spent in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Mr. Tyler acquired Texas by voluntary compact, and Mr. Polk California and New Mexico by successful war.

Georgia O'Keeffe proposed that I live with her. She was in New Mexico then, and I wanted to be in New York.

Being in New Mexico was such a great experience for me, and I hope to get back there one day for some more films or TV.

It's hard to believe a kid hitting golf balls in the cow pastures of New Mexico could have accomplished what I have accomplished.

In New Mexico... I may have vetoed more legislation as governor of New Mexico than all the other governors in the country combined.

In New Mexico, we're very lucky that we have laws in place that really help ensure that Native Americans' right to vote is unencumbered.

I live in Santa Fe, New Mexico. And I travel a tremendous amount. I'm in New York and California a lot, but then also I like faraway places a lot.

My father was raised in the mountains of New Mexico, and he picked cotton for a dollar a day. He was working for the family from the time he was 7.

New Mexico should be a tech jobs leader and a haven for innovation, a place where the best and the brightest come to bring their products to market.

The H-1B visa program which helps sustain our rapidly growing economy and also helps meet the health care needs of families living in rural New Mexico.

Coming from a small town in New Mexico - Lovington, New Mexico - I was very happy to go to college for free and get a scholarship to play college football.

My concern for education in New Mexico has always been there. I'm one of those kids that struggled through school, and I feel like I fell through the cracks.

Anwar al-Awlaki was a U.S. citizen by virtue of his birth in Las Cruces, New Mexico, in 1971 while his Yemeni father was studying at New Mexico State University.

I want to double down on our commitment to clean energy into New Mexico - that way we'll create good paying jobs by harnessing the power of our natural resources.

I never camped as a kid, but I really got into camping and sleeping outdoors. I've also done some amazing river floats in New Mexico and Idaho. It's peaceful and awesome.

I will always remember the first show I did clean and sober... It was in New Mexico, in Albuquerque. I literally felt elevated, as everything was coming with such clarity.

Whenever the Republicans have an opportunity, they've tried to make New Mexico into a right-to-work state, and so I've been on the front lines fighting that for a long time.

Workers and students and part-time working parents across New Mexico are taking home too little, trying to stretch dollars as far as they'll go to pay for basic necessities.

The Aztecs believe they started up in what's now New Mexico, and wandered for 10,000 years before they got down into where they are now, in Mexico City. That's a weird legend.

I've been doing a late-night talk show out here in New Mexico now, 'The After After Party.' We're going to finalize a deal to be in 50 million homes. How blessed can I be, man?

When people ask me where my roots are, I look down at my feet, and I see the roots of my soul grasping the earth. They are here... in the Southwest... I still live in New Mexico.

When I campaigned for governor, I was clear about where our priorities must lie: Opportunity for New Mexico students and long-overdue recognition of New Mexico educators and staff.

I can go anywhere. In fact, for 'Three Billboards,' I was just getting on trains around America. I wrote everywhere from New York to New Mexico. I always write with pencil and paper.

I had been to New Mexico many times. I loved it. It's a very exotic, interesting, severely crazy environment. I don't know if I could live there all year. It's such an intense place.

We don't want crimes committed in New Mexico falling through the cracks. This legislation ensures that there is no area of our state where crimes can be committed without consequence.

'Monsters of God' isn't just a series close to my heart; it is my heart, and I am very much looking forward to working with my fantastic team in New Mexico to create a top-notch series.

The status quo will not stand, because we believe in a very different New Mexico. Together we will find the courage to create the promise of tomorrow for our children and their children.

Unfortunately, New Mexico depends significantly on federal dollars. We have four military bases here in New Mexico. We have two national labs that are very important to our national defense.

The good news about New Mexico is we bring a lot of movies, a lot of television series out here, so I'm hoping I continue to work out here in New Mexico along with being part of my community.

I'm addicted to New York, and I like L.A., as I have kids there. Sometimes I think New Mexico is the one place where I could almost live there. It helps your acting; there's magic in that place.

When Brian told me he grew up in New Mexico, I told him I thought it is cool that people from other countries play football. He corrected me on my geography and agreed to sit down with me anyway.

I didn't know much about the Mexican gray wolf before January 2011, when we contributed a flight in our Pilatus PC12 to the effort to re-establish the wolf in the forests of Arizona and New Mexico.

The thing about America - it's different everywhere, but visually, it's amazing to shoot in the desert in the New Mexico light. It's really hard to shoot in that desert and make anything look not amazing.

As governor, I'll work to make New Mexico a national leader in clean energy by moving to renewable energies such as solar and wind and through innovative, smart policy and practices such as methane mitigation.

Well, I do want to talk about the challenges at the border. New Mexico, if you will, has become an Ellis Island and we want to take that issue seriously and we're not going to shy away that it presents significant challenges.

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