You solve a problem then get a new one in return.

If you want a baby, have a new one. Don't baby the old one.

Coming out of a club and going into a new one is never easy.

If life doesn't offer a game worth playing, then invent a new one.

You don't have to fight for your life anymore. You're starting a new one.

I'm a horribly chronic 'get half way through the book and start a new one' person.

I will not say that women have no character; rather, they have a new one every day.

It's better to take over and build upon an existing business than to start a new one.

It's almost always easier to sell to an existing customer base than to find a new one.

When my car runs out of gas, I buy a new one. I don't want to ride around in a quitter.

My decision to start a new one is just that, a decision, since I never get inspirations.

A work-room should be like an old shoe; no matter how shabby, it's better than a new one.

Tearing down an old house and building a new one is the most wasteful thing we do as humans.

I kind of wish I would have been able to see the old Yankee Stadium after seeing the new one.

They do not say Roosevelt saved our system. They say he has given us a new one. That is logical.

Exceptions are not always the proof of the old rule; they can also be the harbinger of a new one.

I may have one more 'Star Trek' novel in me, but it would be in the old universe, not the new one.

Yes'm, old friends is always best, 'less you can catch a new one that's fit to make an old one out of.

Each match I approach like a new one. The work is so immense that you don't have time to sit and ponder.

It's never easy to switch from one football to another one, from one culture, one language to a new one.

Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months.

Is there anything worse than being called the 'It Girl?' By definition, there will be a new one in two weeks.

Every time WhatsApp has to fix a critical vulnerability in their app, a new one seems to appear in its place.

'Ghosts of Onyx' is the end of one chapter in the 'Halo' saga - and hopefully the start of an entirely new one!

I would say there's always a movement of music and fashion in youth culture - every decade inspires the new one.

The biggest cost in making a sofa is the labor/time, thus why recovering one cost almost just as much as a new one.

I think ad networks is an ongoing story. Federated was a chapter in that story, and it continues to write a new one.

Unless I really loved it and felt really passionate about it, I would just kind of abort the song and start a new one.

Bad performances can happen and are not that serious - even with new players. You can't, say, sell him, get a new one.

Sure I destroyed my guitar at every concert, but it was okay, because I'd always get a shiny new one the very next day.

If in the last few years you haven't discarded a major opinion or acquired a new one, check your pulse. You may be dead.

We try to tell these guys that the end of a boxing career isn't the end of their lives: it's the beginning of a new one.

In the world of classical ballet there are only a handful of story ballets, so getting a new one is cause for excitement.

Although there has always been a hermeneutic problem in Christianity, the hermeneutic question today seems to us a new one.

It's just like, you make a goal list - you write your goals down, you check it off once you get there and you make a new one.

One of my first big paychecks, I used it to buy a Rolex. I bought a used 1968 vintage Rolex. I was too cheap to buy a new one.

I believe in outgrowing a mentor and getting a new one, and I think that you can never be too old to be schooled by your mentor.

I can change a diaper in 30 seconds flat. I set the new one beneath the old one. That way, it's just wipe and pull the flap over.

There's always a party ending every day but also a new one being made. They are just chapters in our lives, ending and beginning.

'Grease' is an awesome movie. I wish they'd make a new one, more for our time. The graphics are terrible when you look back on it.

It's been awhile. My Oscar is getting kind of tarnished. I looked at it a couple of years ago and thought I really needed a new one.

It's more fun to look at an old picture of me than it is to look at a new one sometimes. Although, I still wear a dress pretty well.

Sometimes people go to a yoga class and think it's not for them, but it might just not be the right studio or teacher - try a new one!

I am Killian Murphy. One day, I realised I needed a new name. I was doing 'Under Milk Wood' and had 24 hours to come up with a new one.

When I was doing interviews at the FBI, my tape recorder battery died. They gave me a new one, and I said, 'Of course, this is bugged?'

I keep an ongoing list of my fifty favorite books, which I recalibrate whenever I discover a new one that seems to demand a spot there.

I love podcasts! I wish I had my own, although I think there are already too many podcasts, so I don't know how I would create a new one.

It's going to be really weird when I'm 80 years old, in a walker, and people are still calling me America's sweetheart. We need a new one.

I'm always looking for a new challenge. There are a lot of mountains to climb out there. When I run out of mountains, I'll build a new one.

The news appeals to the same jaded appetite that makes a child tire of a toy as soon as it becomes familiar and demand a new one in its place.

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