Nixon probably was a nice guy.

It was accountability that Nixon feared.

The essence of Richard Nixon is loneliness.

I was never for Richard Nixon until Watergate.

I wouldn't trust Nixon from here to that phone.

I liked Nixon fine, but Nixon was not a partier.

Nixon was kind of a loner, he had a cold personality.

The difference was you worked for Nixon, and with Ford.

Nixon was no more a saint than he was a great president.

What makes me laugh? Richard Nixon always made me laugh.

Nixon was the beginning of people not trusting politics.

I'd walk over my own grandmother to re-elect Richard Nixon.

While he was president, it was popular to be a Nixon hater.

During the 1960 election, I saw Richard Nixon as the winner.

At times, President Trump has behaved far worse than Nixon did.

Nixon is finding out there are no tails on an Eisenhower jacket.

There were dragons to slay in the old days. Nixon was a good dragon.

Nixon was a good president on the environment. Gerald Ford was good.

Nixon's adroit use of television in 1952 was well ahead of its time.

I'm proud to be associated with the public policies of Richard Nixon.

Avoid all needle drugs, the only dope worth shooting is Richard Nixon.

In 1972, former Texas Governor John Connally led 'Democrats for Nixon.'

Even when they don't know who Nixon was, these shows will continue to play.

Kennedy was a lot of fun, always. He had something going on. But not Nixon.

Nixon regarded himself as having been cheated by life. He never got my vote.

Tell the FBI that the kidnappers should pick out a judge that Nixon wants back.

Nixon was a crook, but he was our crook. He didn't have the KGB do the Watergate job.

Nixon was always willing to be bipartisan, so there are a lot of surprises in the man.

I used to think we were going to win in the '60s. Nixon went out and I thought we won.

It is my personal plan to assassinate by pistol either Richard Nixon or George Wallace.

Nixon, with his mellifluous baritone, was a great politician for radio but creepy on TV.

I thought Nixon was the worst President we had ever had, save only perhaps Andrew Johnson.

Eventually, Nixon ran a very centrist presidency, not a Goldwater conservative presidency.

I sometimes lie awake at night trying to think of something funny that Richard Nixon said.

Nixon was so crooked that he needed servants to help him screw his pants on every morning.

When you look at the Nixon pardon, the short-term gain would have been never to pardon him.

Only Nixon could have gone to China. Anyone else would have been criticised from the Right.

In many ways when Jerry Ford pardoned Nixon, in a certain way, he did speak for the country.

The Nixon administration really put a lot of pressure on CBS not to run the second broadcast.

Surveillance changes history. We know this through examples of corrupt presidents like Nixon.

You think the world was shocked when Nixon resigned? Wait till I whup George Foreman's behind.

Nixon's attempts to order subversion of various departments was bound to come out in some form.

What would McCarthy, what would Nixon, what would Bill Clinton have done if they'd had Twitter?

Ronald Reagan wasn't in the establishment of the Republican Party either, nor was Richard Nixon.

When I was younger, I thought of myself as a Nixon Republican because he was the anti-Communist.

Nixon officials foreshadowed both the historic distinction and seamy underside of the presidency.

I cast my first vote on my father's lap in 1960, for Richard Nixon, in the voting booth. I was 8.

I never believed that Nixon could fully resurrect himself. And the proof of that was in the obits.

We began to see the renovation of our offices as a subtle part of the Nixon war against the press.

Even before Watergate and his resignation, Nixon had inspired conflicting and passionate emotions.

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