There's no love without pain.

There will never be no love at all.

There is no love without suffering.

There is no love without sacrifices.

There is no love that is not an echo.

There is no love that is not an echo.

Without justice there can be no love.

Weird love's better than no love at all.

If there were no Love, there'd be no grief

There is no love which does not become help.

There's no love lost between me and Mitt Romney.

There is no love of life without despair of life.

Where there is no love there is no understanding.

I'm not gone remix a record I don't got no love for.

Without being and remaining oneself, there is no love.

NLE stands for No Love Entertainment. It's pretty much a brand.

When there is no love, pour in love and you shall draw out love.

Wherever men are weak, there is no love - and destruction reigns.

In spite of my surroundings, of my education, I had no love for God.

I just want people to know me and to love me, because I have no love.

Gather up In the arms of your love—Those who expect No love from above.

There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child.

No love story ends or begins out of accordance with how it needs to go.

I grew up in a house of no love or emotion - it kind of sticks with you.

There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.

I have no love for the Republicans, but the Democrats drive me absolutely crazy.

has it ever occurred to you that where there is no anger, there is also no love?

There can be no passion, and by consequence no love, where there is not imagination.

I have no love for myself as a human being, but I have immense pride in the music I make.

Junk food was never allowed at home, and personally too, there is no love for aerated drinks.

I searched for years I found no love. I'm sure that love will never be a product of plasticity.

Love among the ruins... I'll tell you something, my friend: Weird love's better than no love at all.

There is no Love greater than Love with no object. For then you, yourself, have become love, itself.

If there is no love between the author and the story, there is no love between the reader and the story.

No love is entirely without worth, even when the frivolous calls to the frivolous and the base to the base.

There is no love apart from the deeds of love; no potentiality of love other than that which is manifested in loving.

Sometimes as friends, you grow apart and you have different visions for what you wanna do and that's OK, there's no love lost.

I always thought that if I got no love at all early in my standup career, or I was god awful, I thought I'd get into psychology.

If no pain, then no love. If no darkness, no light. If no risk, then no reward. It's all or nothing. In this damn world, it's all or nothing.

We act as romantics before the camera to make people understand there is actually no love once the freshness is gone in certain journey of life.

A man without ambition is dead. A man with ambition but no love is dead. A man with ambition and love for his blessings here on earth is ever so alive.

When people go through tragic circumstances, it's not that there is no love there, but it's so hard to deal with and sometimes the gap starts to happen.

There's no love more intense than the love we have for our kids - and where there is intense love, there is also intense fear lurking beneath the surface.

I'd get bored if I... if I had to do a movie, and there was no love story in it, I would just be bored. I mean, I would do it, but it would be kind of boring.

Neither the SPLC, the liberal media, nor the Democratic Party has any authority on what constitutes 'hate.' They themselves are full of lies and hatred. They have no love.

I like that there's no love as fierce as the love you feel for your family; that there's no one you feel more protective of than the very same people who can drive you crazy.

Every day I spend in Hollywood, I start to realize how many films are made with no heart and no love. They just do it for the paycheck, and I cannot imagine making a film that way.

One who has no love in his heart will try to possess everything for himself. One who has love in his heart is ready to sacrifice everything, including his own body, for the benefit of others.

We were brothers off the field, but there was no love lost on it. We fought like cats and dogs. Wes was always trying to strike me out, and meantime, I was always trying to hit a home run off him.

Liberals are some of the most arrogant, condescending smart alecks, but they're just pure ignorant, and they fit the bill of people who have no love and no respect for the founding of this country.

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