Nutrition trumps genes.

Nutrition makes me puke.

Bodybuilding is 80% nutrition!

Life is a tragedy of nutrition

Nutrition is not a private matter!

During the season, nutrition is so huge.

But I don't want nutrition. I want food!

Optimum nutrition is the medicine of tomorrow.

Nutrition is just as important as working out.

I'm really into nutrition from the inside out.

The future of nutrition is found in the oceans

Nutrition advice is, quite frankly, subjective.

Remember that nutrition is 90%; exercise is 10%.

You cannot out-train bad nutrition. It's impossible.

I don't take supplements - I get nutrition from food.

Nutrition is so important. It can't be stressed enough.

I saw few die of hunger; of eating, a hundred thousand.

I do practice what I preach when it comes to nutrition.

I always have to pay attention to exercise and nutrition.

Nutrition is a big part of my life and it always has been.

I've been on every type of nutrition plan you can think of.

My nutrition choices are for my health, not to lose weight.

I don't know where I got this size. Good nutrition, I guess.

I think every physical program has to come from good nutrition.

My health is important, so I learn everything I can about nutrition.

Nutrition is just so important to me, mostly especially for children.

There is nothing unhealthy about educating youngsters about nutrition.

I'm a protein enthusiast, as it forms the foundation of our nutrition.

The consequences of poor nutrition and a lack of exercise are serious.

I think of exercise as the father of the body and nutrition as the mother.

I know all about nutrition and how you can change your body if you want to.

I have realised the importance of finding the right nutrition for our pets.

Nutrition is 150 per cent of the bodybuilding formula. It's that important.

I don't particularly buy into all the nutrition fads and that sort of thing.

Courage, cheerfulness, and a desire to work depends mostly on good nutrition.

I want to work on changing the way this country views exercise and nutrition.

I had no idea about nutrition. I thought by eating salads you'll stay skinny.

It's all about how you treat your body. It's proper rest and proper nutrition.

My dad makes me breakfast every morning; he's very worried about my nutrition.

Your experience is nutrition. You digest your experience and you grow from it.

Good nutrition must be at the core of all that you do training and health wise.

To maintain good health requires good nutrition and a healthy dose of exercise.

The excitement of vitamins, nutrition and metabolism permeated the environment.

Good nutrition and regular exercise definitely help you cope with life's dramas.

I think there could hardly be a more important subject than health and nutrition.

I am very concerned about nutrition and always try to be careful about what I eat.

Nutrition isn't the only problem; our children also aren't getting enough exercise.

As a physician specializing in nutrition, my priority is to the health of the public.

Childhood nutrition and healthy eating is a cause that is extremely close to my heart.

Having balanced nutrition is also very important to keep my body in shape and healthy.

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