We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.

We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.

The Truth An Offense But Not A Sin

Every offense is avenged on earth.

To take offense is to give offense.

The best defense is a good offense.

Little liberties are great offenses.

I just love Coach Koetter's offense.

Let the punishment match the offense.

I think the fans want to see offense.

Too much apology doubles the offense.

Every offense is not a hate at first.

He who pardons easily invites offense.

Affection exaggerates its own offenses.

I can't ask the offense to score slower.

Defense doesn't sell as much as offense.

Those who easily forgive invite offenses.

O my offense is rank, it smells to heaven.

Love the offender, yet detest the offense.

No offense, but I'd rather kiss the horse.

The triangle is a foundation to an offense.

When there is no offense I make no defense.

My entire business model is to go on offense.

He who forgives readily only invites offense.

The triangle is a tough offense to get used to.

I love it. You love being offensive on offense.

We have to let our defense dictate our offense.

Sometimes offense wins. Sometimes pitching wins.

Defense is a lot more natural to me than offense.

A lot of teams get a lot of offense off the rush.

And where the offense is, let the great axe fall.

Our response to an offense determines our future.

I can play in any offense and play off any player.

If I stay patient in the offense, shots will come.

Never start a sentence with the words 'No offense.

Excessive literary production is a social offense.

The Bears treat offense as if it's bubonic plague.

None are as offended as those who contrive offense.

Let the punishment be proportionate to the offense.

My responsibility is to get people into the offense.

Nudity isn't something people should take offense to.

Concentrate on defense because the offense will come.

On offense, you can fumble and they still talk about you.

If I can defend, I find that my offense just comes to me.

No offense to real jobs, but comics seemed a lot more fun.

Offense is what people take when they can't take argument.

I think of customer service as an offense and not a defense

My greatest defense was my offense. Very few guys did that.

I think there's a lot that goes into an offense, obviously.

To apologize is to lay the foundation for a future offense.

Whereto serves mercy But to confront the visage of offense?

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