Once upon a time' lasts forever.

Once upon a time I owned a watermelon.

Once upon a time when there was no time.

Once upon a time Baltimore was necessary.

Once upon a time, fairy tales were AWESOME!

Once upon a time, I awoke in a strange place.

Once upon a time the plural of 'wizard' was 'war'.

Once upon a time, man had a love affair with fire.

Once upon a time wasn't as long ago as it used to be.

To Grandma: Once upon a time, there was a boy who flew.

Even in the Future the Story Begins with Once Upon a Time.

Once upon a time we did not focus on a president's private life.

Thou Shalt Not is soon forgotten, but Once Upon a Time is forever.

Our story is a 'once upon a time', but it's not a 'happy ever after'.

Just so you know, when they say "Once upon a time” . . . they’re lying

Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love. It did not end well.

Once upon a time they had some bad luck, and they blame everything on that.

Happily ever after doesn't begin with Once upon a time: it begins with Now.

Once upon a time the world was round, and you could go on it around and around.

That was the only decision there was once upon a time: what to do with the night.

Once upon a time I was such a good liar; I could talk the fish right into my mouths.

Once upon a time there was a young lady who lived in a marsh, and her name was Poison.

I've nothing against the Queen personally: I had lunch at the Palace once upon a time.

That's the ideal meeting...once upon a time, only once, unexpectedly, then never again.

Once upon a time, there was a woman who discovered she had turned into the wrong person.

'Thou shalt not' might reach the head, but it takes 'Once upon a time' to reach the heart.

Surrounded by stories surreal and sublime, I fell in Love in the Library once upon a time.

Once upon a time freedom used to be life-now it's money. I guess the world really do change.

Once upon a time, about 20 years ago, runners believed they didn't have to do anything but run

Once upon a time, something happened, and it was better than something not happening. The end.

There is no such thing as a happy ending. I never met a single one to equal "Once upon a time.

There was no "before" the beginning of our universe, because once upon a time there was no time.

Once upon a time, a girl lived in a sandcastle, making monsters to send through a hole in the sky.

I've always felt like I was on the margins. Once upon a time that's what independent used to mean.

Once upon a time – for that is how all stories should begin – there was a boy who lost his mother.

Once upon a time, novelists of the 19th century, such as Charles Dickens, published in serial form.

Once upon a time there was what there was, and if nothing had happened there would be nothing to tell.

True love isn’t easy, but it must be fought for. Once you find it, it can never be replaced. – Unknown

Money has lost its narrative quality the way painting did once upon a time. Money is talking to itself.

Once upon a time, an angel and a devil held a wishbone between them. And its snap split the world in two.

I’m letting God write my love story because once upon a time, I took control of it and it didn’t work well.

Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were--Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, and Peter.

Once upon a time refugee meant somebody who has a refuge, found a place, a haven where he could find refuge.

rush of pine scent (once upon a time), the unlicensed conviction there ought to be another way of saying this.

Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time. But now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time.

Maybe a story will cheer you up... Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The End.

Sergio Leone’s “Once Upon a Time in America” is a brilliant movie. It’s about four hours long, but it’s so well done.

Once upon a time, there were only three or four dominant women. Now, there are 10 to 15 who can vie for a Grand Slam.

We are creatures of story, and the process of changing one mind or the whole world must begin with 'Once upon a time.'

Your life at this exact moment is a direct result of choices you made once upon a time. Thirty minutes or 30 year ago.

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