I see the poem or the novel ending with an open door.

I have an open door with WWE as far as wrestling goes.

Well, that is very imperative to let North Korea open door to outside.

So moderate is insisting that North Korea should open door to outside.

There's an open door now more than ever to be making any type of beats that you want.

If you believe in chakras - head and heart - I think singing opens them up, like a wide open door.

I like to think of myself as a leader whose door is always open. But I recently learned that an open door isn't enough.

I've made it clear that I have an open door policy - which means that the employee can tell me anything that is on their mind.

My mother was American, and my father was from the Caribbean, and there was a big open door into the world of humanity and music.

I grew up black in segregated America, where it was hard to find an open door. It's harder now for young blacks to find a closed one.

My sincere hope is that 'The Da Vinci Code,' in addition to entertaining people, will serve as an open door to begin their own explorations.

I have an open door to meet with my constituents and that I work hard to respond to their needs, and I'm proud of the constituent service that we provide.

National security always matters, obviously. But the reality is that if you have an open door in your software for the good guys, the bad guys get in there, too.

To this day, I have an open door policy. I seek out interns and young women and try to help them. Women mentors were important to me, and I want to do that for others.

'Open Door' was a world music project and bilingual. It was in Hebrew and English, and it's great. I do think it's really beautiful. But it's very emotional and very dark - in a good way.

John Edgar Park introduced me to the gentle art of recreational lock-picking. It's fun and potentially useful to know how to tickle tumblers in the right way to open door locks and padlocks.

There has been the biggest black cloud following me around. People believe it's all my fault that Steve is not here. He has always had an open door, and he doesn't choose to do this any more.

I took a page out of the U2 book. They've always had a universal approach. Nobody doubts they're Christian, but there's an open door for everybody in any faith to consume the music at any level.

Either a player accepts competition or they say they absolutely need to play. For a player to have an open door, I have to have, at the same position, an element that is just as good or even better.

Me and my son's mother, we've been divorced for a while,but we've been really great parents. We're good friends. We're very relaxed when it comes to our son's time with one another. We have an open door.

You can do anything you think you can. This knowledge is literally the gift of the gods, for through it you can solve every human problem. It should make of you an incurable optimist. It is the open door.

All the traditional models for doing things are collapsing; from music to publishing to film, and it's a wide open door for people who are creative to do what they need to do without having institutions block their art.

Illegal immigration is crisis for our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, healthcare, and education systems.

There's a new holiday tradition in my life, and it comes with an open door policy. Starting at 11 a.m. on Christmas Day, friends, family, whoever, is welcome to swing on through my place - I'll be cooking and drinking from morning till night.

I've got 12 reserves in my riding and have always been very available and worked very diligently on a few files. I've been out any time there is major events. So I've always had an open door policy with the chiefs and individuals on- and off-reserve.

We want to have a system where people can come here and work - go back and forth if they want to... so that we have an open door to the people who want to come and contribute to our country, who want to come and make a difference in their families' lives and our economy.

As a leader, I believe it's important to have an open door with your staff. Those who want to learn and to grow in their careers will walk through that door and into your life. I encourage people to come and seek me out at 'Frontline' with good ideas, curiosity, and drive.

One of the hardiest myths in British public life is that there is a conspiracy of silence on immigration. Liberals and leftists, it is alleged, have bandied together to prevent debate or discussion of 'mass immigration' into the U.K., caused by Labour's 'open door' policies.

You have to come to your closed doors before you get to your open doors... What if you knew you had to go through 32 closed doors before you got to your open door? Well, then you'd come to closed door number eight and you'd think, 'Great, I got another one out of the way'... Keep moving forward.

That's the thing about zombies. They don't adapt and they don't think. Literally, you could have a zombie on one side of a chain link fence and you could be on the other side and they could be trying to get to you and six feet down could be an open door and they will not go through that door in the fence. That's why they're so scary.

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