I've been so lucky with people giving me an opportunity to showcase the real Drew.

I do this profession. I'm an actor. And it is, for me, an opportunity to meet people.

I relished the opportunity to be on Broadway... It's the holy grail for people like me.

It's not all about starring in a TV show for me. It's about being able to provide opportunity and employment for other people.

So, for me the town hall meetings are really an opportunity to engage in two-way dialogue with people, and they've been very helpful.

People doubted me, said I lacked skill. I'm just trying to stay consistent, use my minutes wisely, and do what I can with the opportunity.

I'm an actor. And it is, for me, an opportunity to meet people. One of the advantages of my profession is I come into contact with many people.

Practicing medicine is not only my vocation, it gives me an opportunity to continue to be in direct contact with people, to see them and hear their needs.

Through sites like MySpace, people coalesce into interest groups, and this gives me the opportunity to do vast mailshots to people who like similar things.

I wish that people had an opportunity to watch me 24/7, like on 'Big Brother.' You'd see a person who is quiet and reserved and very analytical - a huge observer.

A lot of people hustle differently, and I was like, 'You know what, let me hustle and create, and let me have something to show,' cuz my hustle led to opportunity.

I'm enjoying the opportunity that 'Parks And Recreation' affords me to exploit my own soapbox agenda, which is to try to encourage people to make things with their hands.

I have been the subject of ridicule. People talk about me and they don't know me and this is an opportunity to tell my story... to have my voice and to set the record straight.

People always ask me why I still want to play, but I want to know why no one will give me an opportunity. It's like they put a stamp on me: 'Hall of Fame. You're done. That's it.'

My celebrity status allows me an opportunity, allows me a pulpit to preach and reach out to the people. Not even always preaching but just leading, motivating them by being a leader.

I made tons of runs and got an opportunity to play for Mumbai. Suddenly, people knew who I was, and the cameras were on me. Getting the recognition matters when you are playing school cricket.

People say I have an aggressive style, and sometimes I don't think that is all just me. I think it's partly because I watched Senna when I was young, and I thought, 'This is how I want to drive when I get the opportunity.'

I give people on my team the opportunity to excel as well, and I think that's what continues to keep me ahead. I may not be able to show or do an interview; I give them the opportunity to run the show, and that has been working.

Not to sound cliche, but some of the first things that I bought were for my homies and my team: making sure the people that helped me and ensured my security and safety during my come-up, while I was broke, had the opportunity to be okay.

Film is something that reaches so many people. How many people are going to go into a gallery? And understand what they're seeing? I think about the guy walking down the street, the guy who drove me here - this guy has the opportunity to go the cinema.

When I get out on the field, you see me laughing so much because it's a dream come true. A lot of people wish they could do what I do, or wish they had an opportunity to do what I do. But not everybody's granted opportunity. I was, so I'm taking full advantage of it.

My first couple of years in the league left me very unstable. I had some times where I played well, and I had some times were I really did not get the opportunity. After Rick Pitino gave up on me my first year, people were like, 'He can't play.' So I had to get over that hump.

I say I'm the only serious comedian in the presidential race. And I'd like to take this opportunity to ask both Romney and Obama to debate me. Because I think that both of those guys - I think that the American people are being given a false choice, because the choice between the lesser of two evils is a false choice.

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