Luck favors the mind that is prepared.

We must open the doors of opportunity.

Ability is noting without opportunity.

Challenges mean opportunities as well.

With opportunity comes responsibility.

Opportunity has power over all things.

I love having the opportunity to surf.

Opportunity today, prosperity tomorrow.

Opportunity looks a lot like hard work.

Every big problem is a big opportunity.

I take the opportunity each day offers.

There is no security. Only opportunity.

Every place is the center of the world.

Humility opens the door of opportunity.

Opportunity comes to pass-not to pause.

Opportunity comes to the prepared mind.

The Land of Opportunity is an attitude.

Ability is nothing without opportunity.

It is opportunity that makes the thief.

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.

Use the occasion, for it passes swiftly.

You can do anything, but not everything.

Never surrender opportunity to security.

I'm grateful for any opportunity to act.

I wish to hazard my soul to opportunity.

Obstacles are Opportunities in disguise.

Our extremities are God's opportunities.

America is another name for opportunity.

Little opportunities should be improved.

Adversity is an opportunity for heroism.

Never surrender opportunity for security.

To me, success is choice and opportunity.

Opportunity is a bird that never perches.

Inspiration is the opportunity of genius.

Luck is an equal opportunity distributor.

Opportunity only gives you knockers once.

Busy is an opportunity, not a dirty word.

Opportunities increase as they are taken.

Action and flexibility create opportunity

Hard work will always bring opportunities

Globalization can be a great opportunity.

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

Poverty is the deprivation of opportunity.

There’s an opportunity cost to everything.

Risk is the price you pay for opportunity.

Every ‘mistake’ is an opportunity in jazz.

When you have the opportunity, you strike.

Opportunity is in the person, not the job.

Only that day dawns to which we are awake.

Great tech opportunities happen only once.

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