Ordering food has not changed for 30 or 40 years.

I used to think that eating healthy was ordering a fish sandwich at McDonalds.

I think that running empires as a way of ordering the world is a flawed model.

My specialties include macaroni and cheese and ordering Chinese-food delivery.

One of the benefits to ordering food in New York is that you can get food 24/7.

When ordering lunch, the big executives are just as indecisive as the rest of us.

If I'm ordering power bars online, I'll order 480. Everything is times-10 in my life.

I did spend much of my 20s sitting on a couch playing video games and ordering disgusting food.

Ordering a man to write a poem is like commanding a pregnant woman to give birth to a red-headed child.

I don't believe in just ordering people to do things. You have to sort of grab an oar and row with them.

I remember ordering records out of the Dischord catalog in the '80s, and there would be a handwritten note.

Ordering should be the most enjoyable experience, but at McDonald's, it can be one of the most stressful points in time.

My husband and I are huge bibliophiles. He's always reading 'The New York Times Book Review' and then ordering 20 books online.

Bengalis have the best skin and hair; there's something more about the fish from here. I think I will start ordering fish from Bengal!

The world has not been in existence from eternity nor could it have been according to the present dispensation and ordering of things.

Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future, making it predictable and reliable to the extent that this is humanly possible.

We cannot remember too often that when we observe nature, and especially the ordering of nature, it is always ourselves alone we are observing.

I grew up with a Mediterranean diet, so I like clean, simple food. But if there's pizza on a menu, I always end up ordering it. I can't resist it.

I feel like communication is the same whether you're cooking for someone or singing or writing a song or writing a play or ordering from McDonald's.

The stream of empty platitudes ordering troop worship is especially ironic considering the abysmal treatment veterans receive once they return home.

Even leaving aside its military bases, America's influence on the domestic ordering of British life has been enormous, though sometimes unrecognised.

I'm very good at ordering off the menu and eating food that other people cook for me. My husband's a fantastic cook. I always come with a good appetite!

If you're ordering chain, you're a person with poor taste. Everyone lives near a pizza place that's better than a chain. They can't stand up to a local pizzeria.

I'll tell you one big misconception. Cops never say 'Freeze!' It might be misinterpreted. They might think you were, like, ordering fries. Or that you had fleas.

Uber, like Google, is taking a highly disorganized business - in its case, private transportation such as taxicabs and private limousines - and ordering it neatly.

There's a science to ordering potatoes. Are they skinny shoestring or big, fat steak fries? You just have to let your taste buds guide you when deciding what to eat.

There have been many occasions when I found it helpful to talk out loud to my own thoughts, ordering the unwholesome ones to go off somewhere and jump into the river.

'It is finished' will not be, as we know from the tradition of the ordering of these words from the cross, the last words of Jesus. 'It is finished' is a cry of victory.

I was in Starbucks and the person in front of me said: 'Can I have a tall, skinny, black Americano please?' I said: 'Are you ordering coffee or voting in the U.S. elections?'

As president, Trump does and says outrageous and false things every week, from ordering arbitrary travel bans to accusing President Obama of illegal wiretapping with no evidence.

I like romantic dates - going on a long walk in Central Park and then taking the subway downtown and going out to eat and ordering oysters. After that, you walk around again and talk.

I could be ordering ham at the deli, and someone will turn around and look at me and kind of stare. They'll just look at me like, 'I know I know your voice, and I know I know your face.'

The early days of being vegetarian meant ordering plain salads with vinaigrette and a baked potato. You could put the potato in the salad, and, if you were lucky, there were kidney beans.

I'm just encouraging students to read. It's something you can do daily. It's something you can do whether you're sitting at home reading a newspaper or ordering something online. It's endless.

We think that there's a lot of opportunities in helping improve finding food, delivering food, ordering systems, notifications system, and its a very frequent purchase item for a lot of people.

I have an issue with others ordering for me, and I spend far too long haranguing people that my choices are the best. I apologize for the amount of conversations I have ruined with this attitude.

Every year we are greeted by a host of new apps that will 'change the way we think' about ordering takeout, 'fundamentally transform' our shoe purchases, or 'revolutionize' the way we edit photos.

I never cooked before I became vegan. Preparing a meal as opposed to ordering in all the time, you start thinking about where your food comes from and how it gets to your table. You notice that chain.

I understand almost everything in English. I am just not 100 per cent on numbers, so when I am out I am comfortable ordering food but when I am paying, I have to make sure I am paying the right amount!

I was quite the spoiled brat. I have quite a temper, obviously inherited from my father, and I became very good at ordering everyone around. I was the princess; the staff were absolutely terrified of me.

The problem with all-or-nothing thinking is that it stops people even taking the first steps. The thought of never having pepperoni pizza again somehow turns into an excuse to keep ordering it every week.

The best meal I was served was ribollita, an Italian bread soup at the Castello di Ama winery in Tuscany. I usually hate ribollita, and the people I was traveling with thought I was crazy for ordering it.

Ordering is difficult. It's like arranging pieces of music in a concert: What do you put first? What do you put after the intermission? I want the reader to be sort of surprised, to come to each story freshly.

We used to be called the Dixie Chickens. Then we played at a barbecue place, and they had a sign saying, 'Featured Tonight: The Dixie Chickens,' and everybody started ordering it for dinner! So we shortened it.

Going to a restaurant is one of my keenest pleasures. Meeting someplace with old and new friends, ordering wine, eating food, surrounded by strangers, I think is the core of what it means to live a civilised life.

I look around my neighborhood, and I see people hailing a cab or ordering their food and then paying for it all with their phone. I've read about that stuff for a really long time, and now it's starting to become commonplace.

When you arrive in L.A. as an Englishman, you might as well be on the moon. People just don't understand you if you speak too fast, and most people there think you're Australian. Ordering was incredibly complicated. I was speechless.

I have one rule when adapting any text: nothing gets added; all the words are the original author's own. But in the ordering and recreation of the story, I can do as I please, and to me, the heart and the point of 'Dracula' is appetite.

It's true that most American citizens think of themselves as living in a democratic country. But when was the last time that any Americans actually sat down and came to a collective decision? Maybe if they are ordering pizzas, but basically never.

I believe that the concept of 'design' encompasses every aspect of customers's exposure to a brand, from the moment they hear about us to the first time they visit our store to the process of ordering and anticipating the arrival of their glasses.

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