I pitched and I played the outfield.

I played outfield in high school a little bit.

Switching to the outfield was the best break I ever got.

The outfield is solid, so is the catching and the infield.

The secret of my success was clean living and a fast outfield.

Sometimes keepers are looked at differently to outfield players.

I've played the outfield my whole life. It's like riding a bike.

When you change 10 out of 22 outfield players, you need time and hard work.

A goalkeeping unit is different from outfield; the psychology is different.

Gee, its lonesome in the outfield. It's hard to keep awake with nothing to do.

Neuer is by far the best keeper I've played with and is also outstanding outfield.

I played handball up until I joined United, both as a goalkeeper and an outfield player.

I'll win more games playing everyday in the outfield than I will pitching every fourth day.

I loved running. I can catch everything in the outfield. I could throw people out from the fence.

Outfield to infield is the most jarring because in the outfield, you have much more time to throw.

We need to give our goalkeepers the same level of training that we've given to our outfield players.

I was a good fielder in the gully in my college days. But in the outfield, I was not such a good fielder.

I remember daydreaming out in the outfield: I wish I had more time. I want to read 'The Brothers Karamazov.'

A lot of people say that you go to the outfield and just run and go get a ball, but it's still not that easy.

You can't win if nobody catches the ball in the outfield. You're only as good as the team you have behind you.

I was nicknamed Skeeter in Little League because I was small and fast, like a mosquito flying across the outfield.

Goalkeepers get criticism for commenting on outfield players, but outfield players can comment on goalkeeping; it is not a two-way street.

I had a bilateral lisp, and I was overweight. I was the kid who played with the flowers on the ground in the outfield during baseball. I was that kid.

I am a lefty, though I bat right-handed... When I was a kid I pitched, played first, outfield and shortstop as well. Now it's mainly softball with some friends.

I grew up playing in the outfield and junior year of high school I went over to first base and got some tidbits from my dad, but it kind of came naturally to me.

I've won plenty of games by knowing when to take out my pitcher; whom to replace him with; or how to place my infield or outfield to defend properly against the opposing hitter.

Goalkeeping is so mental you've got to be focused all the time. You come off the pitch drained in a different way to an outfield player. You'd probably be more mentally drained.

I think I'm a guy who loves to play defense. I have a great time in the outfield. I think it's fun robbing guys on hits - there are plenty of times you're gonna be robbed as a hitter.

I always loved the signs on the outfield walls, and I'll never forget the one in Philadelphia. It said, 'The Phillies use Lifebuoy soap,' and underneath was scrawled, 'And they still stink.'

I started playing soccer at age 6 and played both outfield and goalie. Back then, no one wanted to go on goalie - coaches would make deals with me so I'd do it. It's a tough position as a kid.

With Bayern, we want a lot of ball possession and to control the play, so I operate sometimes like the 11th outfield player. Thus I am included a lot into the build-up play and have a lot of touches of the ball.

When I was young, it was fun being in the locker room and shagging balls in the outfield in spring training. But I couldn't keep my attention on the games for more than 30 minutes. I would sit there with my Game Boy the whole game.

The first time I carried drinks was during the 2004 Champions Trophy. It was a wet outfield and I was running with the drinks and I couldn't stop myself and just went sliding into Sourav Ganguly, who was giving a team chat in the huddle.

The reason we had an all-black outfield in '51 is Don Mueller got hurt, so Hank Thompson was a legitimate replacement. So what? People talk about, 'You're the first to do this. You're the first to do that.' Don't dwell on race all the time.

Because I could throw so hard when I got to college, they made me a pitcher. If I had to it all over again, I would have stuck to playing in the outfield. I loved running. I can catch everything in the outfield. I could throw people out from the fence.

You can put the players on the pitch but they always move and systems change. I think, though, that Messi has to be a special case and that the other nine outfield players should support him. But one player on his own is not going to win you the World Cup.

My dad suggested I change and try to play in goal. I always liked being at the heart of the action, trying to experience different situations and different challenges. One year, I decided to try playing in goal - after that, I was going to go back to playing outfield.

The role of a goalkeeper in Pep's team is like the 11th outfield player on the pitch, in terms of the build-up, the pressing. I think it's more difficult. There is a bigger responsibility because you can't afford to make any mistakes. If you do, it probably ends in an opposition goal.

Carl Yastrzemski was the best all-around player. He could run, throw and hit. He had the ability to play a number of different positions. He signed as a shortstop. He could play the outfield, of course, and third base and first, too. He was a tremendous athlete. Mickey Mantle was unbelievable, too.

One reason outfielders don't have stronger arms might be they don't practice as much as we did. Most teams today don't take outfield practice. Another reason is baseball has to compete with other sports now - basketball, football, soccer - for the better athletes that might have more skills and stronger arms.

Younger audiences are into me because I did 'Stuart Little,' and that movie was a very big deal for kids. And in 'Angels in the Outfield,' a generation of kids learned about magic and angels. And then, of course, there are these two blond girls named Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, and I played their nanny on their TV show.

It's a goalkeeper's job. There's so many times you're doing nothing for 89, 90 minutes, and then there's a split-second moment. It's a different challenge to outfield players, who have a lot of physical challenges and battle. We have a lot of mental battles; it's about maintaining your focus, refining processes of what you do in a game.

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