Owning is owing, having is hoarding.

I hate any kind of owing of anything.

Debt is a prolific mother of folly and of crime.

I try to go through my life not owing anything to anyone.

James Brown died owing me $50,000. But I loved James Brown.

I must decline your invitation owing to a subsequent engagement.

If I had been on 'Bowling for Dollars', I'd wind up owing them money.

“If I had been on 'Bowling for Dollars,' I'd wind up owing them money.”

I was not active in films for three years owing to some treatments I was undergoing.

Common fluency of speech in many men and most women is owing to a scarcity of matter.

I think it is owing to the good sense of the English that they have not painted better.

Chastity is oftener owing to diffidence and shame, than to fortitude of reason or virtue.

When I was boxing I made five million and wound up broke, owing the government a million.

Owing to the fact that all experience is a process, no point of view can ever be the last one

One of the greatest disservices you can do a man is to lend him money that he can't pay back.

If a man owes me money, I never seem to forget. But if I do the owing, I somehow never remember.

Owing to the fact he was a mute they were able to give him all the qualities they wanted him to have.

If you got into a taxi and the driver started driving backward, would the taxi driver end up owing you money?

There is no doubt that I feel bad when a film flops, but I can't sit back and not take up new work owing to that.

In civilized society we all depend upon each other, and our happiness is very much owing to the good opinion of mankind.

Physics, owing to the simplicity of its subject matter, has reached a higher state of development than any other science.

The moderation of people in prosperity is the effect of a smooth and composed temper, owing to the calm of their good fortune.

It is owing to our limitations that a thing appears to us as single and separate when in truth it is not a separate thing at all.

I am drawn more towards Russian films owing to their compelling camera work, because of my own inclination towards cinematography.

Professors go batty too, perhaps more often than other people, although owing to their profession, their madness is less often remarked.

Nations, like individuals in a state of nature, are equal and independent, possessing certain rights and owing certain duties to each other.

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

Owing to cultural beliefs, girls have been taught to be small, disappear and not take our full place in society. But that is not what we are meant to be.

A Christian is free and independent in every respect, a bond servant to none. A Christian is a dutiful servant in every respect, owing a duty to everyone.

A newspaper is a private enterprise owing nothing whatsoever to the public, which grants it no franchise. It is therefore affected with no public interest.

Though men are apt to flatter and exalt themselves with their great achievements, yet these are, in truth, very often owing not so much to design as chance.

Owing to the difficulty of obtaining horses, Mr. Henry returns from this place. In descending the Mississippi I will request him to pay his respects to you.

A beam of luminous hydrogen canal rays has, owing to its velocity, exactly the same direction as that of the electric field in which it may be made to move.

It has been argued that British girls are incapable of deep feeling or brilliant acting owing to their lack of temperament. This, I am positive, is not true.

It is an odd thing, owing life to pills, one's own quirks and tenacities, and this unique, strange, and ultimately profound relationship called psychotherapy.

'Green' issues at last are attracting serious attention, owing to critically important links between the environment and the economy, health, and our security.

The rise of populism is in part a response to stagnating incomes and job loss, owing mostly to new technologies but widely attributed to imports and immigrants.

Take modern courtships! They resulted in the same thing as under George the Second, but took longer to reach it, owing to the motor-cycle and the standing lunch.

The Galilean is not a favorite of mine. So far from owing him any thanks for his favor, I cannot avoid confessing that I owe a secret grudge to his carpentership.

I have had the same apartment in New York City for almost 40 years but have actually lived in it for less than half of that time, owing to a busy travel schedule.

Despite broad public support, raising the minimum wage is always difficult owing to the disproportionate influence that wealthy firms and donors have in Congress.

Success in business is seldom owing to uncommon talents or original power which is untractable and self-willed, but to the greatest degree of commonplace capacity.

All I worried about was what Owings was doing to me, instead of what I was doing to him. When you start worrying about that stuff, you're going down the wrong path.

Most of the arguments to which I am party fall somewhat short of being impressive, owing to the fact that neither I nor my opponent knows what we are talking about.

We have to do a film parody for Comic Relief. We can't decide which film to parody at the moment. Any ideas welcome, but not Spiderman owing to costume being too tight.

He had no failings which were not owing to a noble cause; to an ardent, generous, perhaps an immoderate passion for fame; a passion which is the instinct of all great souls.

Now and again there will be the occasional joke about owing someone two dollars from the days in '63 when I was a broke blues singer with a washboard, but it's good. I'm happy.

In essence, capitalist systems are a mechanism by which economies may generate growth in knowledge - with much uncertainty in the process, owing to the incompleteness of knowledge.

The creative industries, a source of optimism in recent years owing to, among other things, a resurgence on the world stage of British music, have come out foursquare against Brexit.

Owing to our Indian beliefs, not many believe in organ donation. But I think it's an amazing thing to pledge the donation of organs and is not something people should look down upon.

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