I'm pampered like you wouldn't believe.

I had always been a very pampered child.

I wasn't pampered the way a Tyrone Power was.

Give me civilization. I don't want to be pampered.

I want to feel pampered and special on my birthday.

I am the only girl in the family so everyone pampered me.

Pampered vanity is a better thing perhaps than starved pride.

Being the youngest ensures I'm the most pampered one of the lot!

I have four elder sisters, and being the youngest, I was pampered.

Being the youngest sibling, I've always been the most pampered child.

We were pampered, but our family taught us how to lead a balanced lifestyle.

I want to be surrounded by women, I want to be snuggled and cuddled and pampered.

In film and television we are oftentimes so pampered that the truths are withheld.

Great things come out of being hungry and cold. Once you're pampered, you get lazy.

Human beings are pampered by the Lord. Their real tests don't come until later in life.

The Gandhi family is a pampered lot. They have only dealt with people at their beck and call.

I was pampered in the fact that I had five older brothers, which I highly recommend to anyone.

MDKM' has to be the right launch for me. I was pampered a lot on the sets while I bullied everyone.

Celebrities become divas because they get pampered so much, babied so much - then they get used to it.

On Mother's Day, I like to feel pampered. I like to feel celebrated. I like to feel honored. I like to feel glamorous.

I don't know what the other celebrity's lives are like but I lead a true celebrity life. I get pampered. I'm always alone.

I have a massage when I want to relax. I love being pampered. I love island massages when you're outside in the fresh air.

It's not that an actor needs to be pampered so much as that one needs to provide a nurturing environment that is encouraging.

I was pampered by all my father's directors and producers during childhood. But at home, my father made sure I led a normal life.

Trump is many things. He is pampered. He is an immature man. He is a teenager craving unconditional, endless love from everybody.

Being a celebrity, you can remain a child for ever, almost. You get away with more; you can get too pampered and it's not healthy.

Kids raised to be pampered and spoiled don't really end up being good leaders. Leaders need to be independent minded and confident.

In modern times, dogs may be pampered, but historically, a dog's life wasn't much to bark about. Hence a dog's chance is a small chance.

I don't want to bring them up as spoilt, pampered kids. We don't want them to take our status for granted. They will have their own struggles.

I was not the pampered baby, no. I'm five years younger, and my parents were actually very strict with me, more strict than with the other ones.

I am always surrounded by very, very charming men, very intelligent men with a great sense of humour who always keep me entertained and pampered.

My wife gets pampered pretty well. She's had me trained since she was pregnant, when I started making her oatmeal with fresh berries every morning.

Being pampered is great, but sometimes I like to do those things myself because it's a little therapeutic and gives me some downtime for myself - and I need that.

It's inconceivable to some people that that wouldn't be the sexiest thing to do in the whole world: to be a movie star, and make money, and be pampered, and whatever.

I have been a pampered boy, the youngest in the family with two elder sisters. I have always had someone around me, usually my mom, to take care of everything for me.

The best part about my job is that I'm pampered and always treated like a Barbie doll on the sets. But the worst part is that I have to work daily without many breaks.

In Mumbai, life is always on the go, but in Delhi, I get a break; it gives me a lot of peace. Here I feel like I am on a pampered holiday, and I am treated like a princess.

If you want to surround yourself with a lot of people and be pampered then that is a decision you make yourself. Personally I don't do it and I don't feel the need to do it.

'Ugly Betty' has been four years of my life, important adolescent years. I think that all I've really known was getting pampered and interviewed and getting my picture taken.

When I am in India, I feel pampered. However, when I am In Georgia, I am on my own, as I have to cook and do things all by myself. However, that gives me an independent feeling.

Bollywood has always pampered heroes and treated actors as second class citizens. But, of late, it has realised that there has to be space for actors who can connect with people.

I wouldn't be where I am right now, and have the right work ethic and discipline, if it weren't for all the indie films I did. We weren't pampered and were pretty much on our own.

I've been trekking the hills and lanes of the British countryside for nearly four decades now and I've come to associate my passion with overexcited poets rather than pampered painters.

I cap myself when I shop; I don't like to spend extravagant amounts on clothes. But, I do get lent clothes for events, it's scary to wear something so expensive, but I feel really pampered.

After all the black man has been through in this world, he can still often reach levels of spirituality the most pampered white man cannot touch. Maybe what he's been through is the reason why.

He was a very strict father, which in a way has helped me to become who I am today. He never pampered me, as he wanted me to live a normal life. No film magazines were allowed at home, and we weren't allowed to watch any movies.

My best friends are still the ones I first attached myself to when I went to school because, all of a sudden, I was leaving the rather pampered and occasionally very annoying world of having three older sisters to go to a male-dominated world.

I was born 20 years after my eldest sister. I was the pampered child. That kind of love gives you an almost unbreakable backbone. My mother had three kids before me. She let me be completely free. I just never had anything to beat myself up over.

I don't know if people feel this way, but I think by nature that when you start off as a young pop singer, they assume that you're a bit pampered, prissy, and precious, or that you live in a bubble and not in the real world. For me that's not the case.

Because of the earlier loss of the two elder siblings, my brother and I lived a very pampered and protected life. Nursemaids kept constant watch. With my parents busy at dinner parties and social events, we only met them as if for a daily royal audience.

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