I'm a participant in the doctrine of constructive ambiguity.

God seems to be an unwilling participant in our efforts to pigeonhole Him.

You can't be a full participant in our democracy if you don't know our history.

A strong working relationship requires every participant to be on the same page.

My dream is that Participant is producing content in every language in every part of the world.

Music is a very big participant in everything I do, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed.

The view of the local scene through the eyes of a native participant in that scene is a different window.

I am a proud participant of the Spencer Tracy School of Acting: Know your lines, don't bump into the furniture.

I am an enthusiastic participant in a church, but I have never been particularly concerned with denominational identity.

Girls are womb of humanity, nucleus of the family and are supposed to become fully participant citizens in our own countries.

At Participant, I am the board. I am the sole greenlight at the company. If something happened to me, that would be a problem.

I don't just train to be a participant. I train to come up big in big moments. That's when I know I've got to roll the sleeves up.

AIG's failure revealed systemic problems in the OTC derivatives market that went well beyond the failure of a single market participant.

The notion of looking on at life has always been hateful to me. What am I if I am not a participant? In order to be, I must participate.

I'm becoming more and more of a social media participant, so of course I can always be found everywhere from Twitter to Insta to Facebook.

MMA has a referee, and you're wearing gloves. I'm in there with another volunteering participant that's out there to win some prize money.

In drama, I think, the audience is a willing participant. It's suspending a certain kind of disbelief to try to get something out of a story.

I don't want anyone to think I took this role in 'Downsizing' because it was the only role available to me. I'm not a passive participant in it.

I was an active participant in India's key economic reforms, including the third industrial revolution and now the fourth industrial revolution.

There are many types of participation. One can observe so intensely that one becomes part of the action, but without being an active participant.

If you have a coach helping you, developing your skills alongside you, that's when you're on your way to becoming not just a participant but achieving.

In most audience-participation shows, the participant is so clearly not a part of what's going on that it's the fish-out-of-water aspect that makes it funny.

Sitting on the sidelines is so painful because it's very difficult for me to watch wrestling and not be a participant in the ring, since that's just where I belong.

I have great childhood memories of my mother baking, and I was always a willing participant, especially if it meant I could revarnish the kitchen floor with treacle.

I think track is still one of the most exciting participant sports, but we haven't been able to capitalize on that excitement through television and the print media.

Dance should not just divide people into audience and performers. Everyone should be a participant, whether going to classes or attending special events or rehearsals.

The relative property of the Son is to be begotten, that is, so to proceed from the Father as to be a participant of the same essence and perfectly carry on the Father's nature.

The goal of Participant is to tell stories that serve as catalysts for social change. With our television channel, we can bring those stories into the homes of our viewers every day.

I know that there are many on the Space Coast who are already attempting to address job creation and I intend to support them in every way possible. I will be a hands-on participant.

I didn't really start writing about the church in earnest until the mid-2000s, so I wasn't present for or a participant in a lot of the John Paul II-era debates about papal authority.

The sudden collapse of the monarchy that had ruled Russia for three hundred years led to chaos. Russia immediately became, as one participant put it, 'the freest country in the world.'

The Luxembourg financial centre is based on several pillars, we are characterised by the breadth of our product range, we are an active participant in the international credit business.

The reason I do workshops is so I can learn, and I am fortunate that I've probably gained more from the whole experience of teaching than any one participant has. It is all about asking.

I have myself been on the other side of the table being a participant of a singing talent hunt. Hence, it is weird but awesome at the same time to judge a pool of talent that our nation has.

One of the beautiful things about a movement is that there are many strategies and many tactics contained within it. Not every participant in a movement is required to do exactly the same things.

I like connecting the abstract to the concrete. There's a tension in that. I believe the reader or listener should be able to enter the poem as a participant. So I try to get past resolving poems.

I have had the good fortune to live - as an inside witness and, even, a modest participant - at a time when our understanding of this wonder we call 'life' has made its most revolutionary advances.

As CEO of Aetna, I was a buyer of portfolio companies rather than a participant in the value creation process. From the end of the assembly line, what happened in manufacturing wasn't visible to me.

I wanted to show those characters discovering it is possible to find common ground, as they make their way through a plotline that I hope is engrossing enough to keep the reader a willing participant.

I thought of myself as an outsider in a lot of ways as I was growing up. Not in a bad way; more as an observer. I often find myself thinking as an observer of science fiction rather than as a participant.

My interviews are very pointed. I'm an active participant; I will kindly interrupt people. But I've learned there is nothing people won't tell you if you ask in a compassionate and legitimately interested way.

When you're surrounded by friends and exes, there's a whole lot of stuff that starts crawling out. But however serious and traumatic those experiences may be to the participant, to the onlooker they're hilarious.

People can like him or not like him individually. But I need for them to know that he was a person of substance, and he was worthy, and he was a good son and a good brother and a good participant in the community.

My objective as a mentor, as a father, as a manager and as a former participant of the great game of boxing is to protect mine, but also the opponent. Especially if I can see things which I have experienced before.

We think the managed security services opportunity is enormous and so we have been an active participant and probably the largest firm in this space outside of an IBM or EDS, which does large outsourcing contracts.

I was involved in Occupy Wall Street as a participant and poster artist. 'Shell Game' is an attempt to do something bigger, to use whatever artistic powers I have to explore the excitements and betrayals of that year.

I've had opportunities to step foot on the grounds and play Augusta and watch the Masters. But I always, since I was a kid, I always told myself I am never going to set foot there unless I am playing and a participant.

I've campaigned for people. I've campaigned across the country for people. I have supported people in local elections. I do work with groups and causes. So, I feel like I am a participant and a civically-engaged citizen.

The writer must be a participant in the scene... like a film director who writes his own scripts, does his own camera work, and somehow manages to film himself in action, as the protagonist or at least the main character.

As I'm sure you may know, I'm planning to become a spaceflight participant and have been recently approved to begin my spaceflight training by the Russian space federation having passed the necessary medical and physical tests.

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