I am not a party girl.

I'm not much of a party girl.

I definitely used to be a party girl.

My first lead role was probably 'Party Girl' in 1994.

I can entertain. I am a party girl. I am a free spirit.

I do things every day for my birthday. I'm just not a party girl.

I'm down for anything. I'll try anything once. I'm a party girl that way!

I don't fit into the yummy mummy box, I'm not a party girl anymore, I'm just me.

Two people live within me. One's a very savvy businessperson; the other's a party girl.

I never played politics, I was never a party girl, and I never slept with any of the producers.

My sister, I have a sister who's 12 years older, she was always the party girl, the outrageous one.

I had a lot of friends in high school, but I was never the wild party girl. Never have been, never plan to be!

People always assume that I'm some sort of party girl, and that's such a misconception because I like staying home.

People think I am America's party girl, which is just stupid. I have done 24 movies and I am creating my own TV show.

I'm not a huge party girl. When I turned 18, the thing I was most excited about was being able to vote for the first time.

We shot 'Party Girl' on film, and I remember being told, 'We need to get this in two takes because we don't have a lot of film in the mag right now!'

I'm always painted as a party girl, which was true for my 20s. It's taken a long time to shake off that gobby, in-your-face image. I'm actually quite chilled out.

A film writer is very much like a party girl. While you're good-looking and still unlined, the possibilities seem endless. But your appeal doesn't last long and you're quickly discarded.

I want to win an Oscar. I want to be known for more than, like, going out. For being the 'party girl'. I hate that. I bust my ass when I'm filming and when I have time off, yeah, I like to go out and dance.

I didn't drink. I was never a big party girl, but I streaked. I was just in a naked frame of mind. I don't think I was the only streaker, but I might have been the leader of the streakers! And we just all streaked, all summer.

I think to do a proper independent movie, in my experience, it takes 22 or 23 days to shoot. That was 'Party Girl' or 'House of Yes.' But now with the digital camera, the budgets have gotten smaller, and the days have gotten shorter.

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