Patriots don't let their nation default.

I love the Patriots. I love this organization.

Patriots Nation is loud, they have sick accents.

Living on hypocrisy is not a healthy diet for patriots.

I built my company a lot while playing for the Patriots.

I grew up as a Ravens fan, and I liked the Patriots, too.

Everybody knows me, I circle the Patriots. That's what I do.

My stepdad is a Patriots fan, so I've become a Pats fan, too.

When a nation is filled with strife, then do patriots flourish.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm a huge Patriots fan, so I like Tom Brady.

I am against nationalists, but I am very much in favour of patriots.

Bill Belichick makes it real easy for you to root against the Patriots.

I have to say, my husband is a big Patriots fan. Like, a huge Patriots fan.

The fans are nuts. They are wild. They have the Patriots' back no matter what.

I can say playing for the New England Patriots has been the highlight of my life.

I don't think any Patriots fan would want anything other than for Tom Brady to stay.

My dad played my dad in 'Patriots Day' and that's why he thinks that's a good movie.

Patriots always talk of dying for their country and never of killing for their country.

I have never been afraid of making patriots; but I disdain and despise all their efforts.

I have all the respect in the world for the Patriots, and I respect Tom Brady tremendously.

I didn't grow up seeing faces of patriots, emotional and raw and gritty, who looked like me.

For what were all these country patriots born? To hunt, and vote, and raise the price of corn?

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Teams like the Patriots stress situational football moreso than a lot of other teams in the NFL.

The Patriots cheat. This is just a fact as established by investigations. They're a cheating team.

The New England Patriots have always been a special organization and I've always watched from afar.

We're not Democrats first. We're not Republicans first. We're Americans first. We're patriots first.

I follow the Patriots, but the Steelers were my first and true love. I still have a 'Terrible Towel.'

When you play a great team like the Patriots, you can only kick so many field goals and stay in the game.

I want to be the president of all the people of France, for the patriots facing the threat of nationalism.

I tried to convert all my friends back in Houston to Patriots fans, which was successful to a small degree.

I'm driven by my passion - my family, my philanthropy, and the New England Patriots winning. That's my life.

Corporations are a fictional entity that are designed to make money, and they're neither people nor patriots.

Without a lot of college film, a lot of people had written me off already. When the Patriots called, I was pretty happy.

I'm still overwhelmed and, at the same time, kind of star struck that I am part of this New England Patriots organization.

The Patriots are known for winning and all that, so coming to a team like this, the atmosphere is just awesome around here.

I'll even miss the Patriots fans in Foxborough, and they should miss me, because they sure did get a lot of wins off of me.

Everybody hates Goodell. He unifies all Patriots fans, all New England, everybody hates him equally. He's really a hated guy.

They call me racist too just because I disagree with a President who happens to be black. You are not racists - you are patriots.

It is, in fact, precisely to defend the right to free speech that countless patriots have given the last full measure of devotion.

We want Angolans who have fortunes abroad to be the first to invest in the country, thus demonstrating that they are true patriots.

The unyielding resistance of the Cuban patriots is symbolized by our 5 Heroes. They shall never back down! They shall never surrender!

Playing with my brother on the Patriots would have been amazing, but at the same time I feel like my work as a creator is more important.

The Patriots do a great job of establishing a common rhetoric of working hard and working for the men that stand next to you on the field.

I want to become the president of all the people of France - the president of the patriots in the face of the threat from the nationalists.

If you grew up in Boston, you actually grew up thinking that Patriots' Day is a major American holiday, sort of like the other Fourth of July.

That statesman is indeed happy who can count as his friends the really honest and consistent, the true Patriots, and the men of honorable thought.

No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels. Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots.

The American patriots of today continue the tradition of the long line of patriots before them, by helping to promote liberty and freedom around the world.

Belichick's actually great. I wouldn't mind being the New England Patriots. They seem to win a lot. Four-game suspension here and there doesn't hurt nobody.

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