When you feel a ghost, most people will feel chills - you're feeling the energy.

I feel like I've gotten more than a lot of people will ever get. I feel very fortunate.

If too many people feel excluded from the system and cannot access its benefits, they will ultimately rebel against it.

I feel like if you can describe something fully and accurately, then people will be able to see it themselves - they don't need be told what to.

I don't feel people are that interested in snooker any more and the only thing that will get snooker back into the limelight is more controversy.

Most successful musicals need to attach themselves to something bigger than themselves, a concept that will make people feel immediately connected to it.

If those people who come in to join the PSP, hoping to extract something from the party for themselves, I think even if they leave, I will not feel sorry.

Coming out was crucial to changing attitudes about gays and lesbians: will people feel differently about abortion if they know their mother, their aunt, or their friend had one?

I just feel that sooner or later, the sheer potential of the demographics of India, which is 1.25 billion people, will eventually be very attractive to the entertainment industry.

I've come to the realization that you can entertain people both through making them laugh and making them feel. You can be quiet, and they can feel, and you will have scored as well.

If I feel strongly about something, I don't bother what will people say, especially when it is about the country and the Army. But my cricketer friends are all politically correct when they tweet.

Sometimes I will tweet an interview I have coming up and ask my followers what questions they have for the celebrity. I feel that way I can really know first hand what people want to hear answered.

I have similar feelings, actually. The intimacy of a club: you can see the people, you can almost feel them; you can't beat that. People will say things, and shout out, it's almost like they're up on the bandstand with you.

Some people will go to the opening of an envelope. They live their lives in the public eye and get off on it, they need it. They need that kind of adoration. If their name isn't in the tabloids once a week they feel like a failure.

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