When Marvel got the rights to Namor, I thought I'd be the perfect fit.

I tend to like the most basic pieces with the perfect fit and fabric, like a simple tank.

I didn't marry a man that wanted to be in the business. But that's why we're a perfect fit.

Loving entertainment but having our athletic talent, WWE seemed like the perfect fit for us.

The new independent spirit at Warner Music is a perfect fit for a stand-alone label like Maverick.

I'm going to give international cricket one more crack. The Pakistan job seems like a perfect fit.

Acting is something I always wanted to try after wrestling, and I felt like this was a perfect fit.

My commitment to Atlanta and passion for sports and competition make this acquisition a perfect fit for me.

Bumble is the perfect fit for New Zealand, a country that has always been a world leader when putting women first.

I was two years old when my mom put me in mommy and me classes. I always had a lot of energy so it was the perfect fit!

Once I started working as an assistant director, I just realized very quickly that working on a film set was just a perfect fit for me.

I just wanted to do my own albums where nobody could tell me what to do. Roc Nation was the perfect fit because I could do what I wanted to do.

I felt within myself that I needed to change what I was doing. I needed a new stimuli. So the interest from Manchester United was a perfect fit.

Honestly, Detroit really wasn't on my list. I really didn't look into it much until I sat down with my brother and looked at the roster. It was kind of a perfect fit.

You can totally work with brands. People love seeing that, but you have to build stories. You have to build credibility, and those brands have to really be the perfect fit for yourself.

I love Bournemouth. The place where we live is amazing. It's so chilled and nice, and also the club itself is a family club. Especially as a young player to come here, it's a perfect fit.

I think that there are empty ecological niches in the literary landscape crying to be filled and when a book more or less fills a niche it's seized on, even when it's a far from perfect fit.

When I embraced the rock hat, when I put it on two or three years ago, when I realized I'm gonna go and make really focused rock albums, it felt like wearing an old shoe. It was a perfect fit.

My grandfather was in the military, and I've been part of the Folds of Honor Foundation since 2009, so having the opportunity to wear Puma's Volition America collection is the perfect fit for me.

BioRhythm was a perfect fit for me, as I can relate to the company's attention to detail when producing its products to a very dedicated fan base. Detail is a key to my success on the football field.

We live in a social world now, and there's no denying the power that Twitter has yielded across all verticals. Sports is a perfect fit because fans are highly emotionally charged and things happen quick.

In 2016, Trump, with his outsized ego, his anti-immigrant and anti-trade positions, coupled with barely disguised racism and deep-seated sexism and a willingness to lie whenever it suited him, was a near perfect fit.

The perfect fit for L.A. would be the St. Louis Rams. I really believe that. I know their stadium deal is about expired, or it is expired. They're working through that. I think it would be the old Los Angeles Rams in town.

I, in middle school, started really, really liking country music because it tells a story. It's really dramatic; I'm really dramatic. There's a lot of emotion. It was like, 'This is a perfect fit,' and I was teased mercilessly for it.

If you're going to give me the role of Darna, I'll accept it. I will work hard, I will train, I will attend workshops. I will give all my strength. But, of course, it's ABS-CBN's decision in the end to see who is the perfect fit to play the role.

It's easy to imagine that because a certain company has a prestigious reputation or everyone says it's a great place to work, that it will be the perfect fit for you. But, in reality, the search to find a career is a much more individual process.

It's hard to come across a true country fan in L.A., but it's true that the fans are so loyal, once you're in their circle, you're in for your entire career. It just really speaks to me. Country music has so much soul and is so heartfelt. I think it's a perfect fit for me.

My normal weight category is 48 kg. So for the 51 kg. category, I had to depend on lots of food and drinks before going in for the weigh-in. But that does not make my strength, my muscles. It's a little bit different. If there's a 48 kg. category, it's a perfect fit for me.

My love for weight training and competing just seemed like a perfect fit for strongman. So I decided to give it a try, for fun, really. It's definitely not for everybody, but if you love working out and being competitive and pushing yourself to the limit, it's great. It's fun, for sure.

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