I was diagnosed with everything from schizophrenia to multiple personality disorder.

What's the difference between a personality disorder and a personality? You know? That's what I wanna know!

I've never been diagnosed with anything, I've self diagnosed myself with multiple personality disorder and DID.

My significant other right now is myself, which is what happens when you suffer from multiple personality disorder and self-obsession.

Multiple personality disorder and possession are not necessarily mutually incompatible disorders. There's some evidence that you can have both.

I might have some sort of personality disorder. I might not have proper filters; it might be some kind of version of Asperger's meets Tourettes meets prose.

Murk can be described as an enfeebled fog with a personality disorder; it is more troubled than ethereal, sulking moodily over our lives at the end of the day.

The tragedy for comedians is there's nothing more they want than to be liked. We desperately seek approval. It's almost like a personality disorder you can do as a job.

We all have aspects of ourselves that we my not be aware of. Actors in particular - they have multiple personality disorder. They get paid a lot of money to exhibit that.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) cannot be medicated. It is treatable only through therapy. The problem is therapy is rarely sought by the afflicted. It cannot be cured.

The art of the novelist is not unrelated to the illness of multiple personality disorder. It's a much milder form. But the better the book, the nearer to the padded cell you are.

I think it's particularly clear in borderline personality disorder (BPD) that there's a strong association between early environmental deprivation and neglect and abuse and later outcome of BPD.

Even fictional characters sometimes receive unwarranted medical opinions. Doctors have diagnosed Ebenezer Scrooge with OCD, Sherlock Holmes with autism, and Darth Vader with borderline personality disorder.

We don't want to promote any system that treats the fact that an individual is LGBT as a personality disorder. And anything that perpetuates that perception is harmful - not only to that member of the community but the entire community.

I believe that narcissistic personality disorder is a middle- and upper-class disease because you have to have the means to indulge it; you need money and power. Narcissists create havoc around them. You can't get away with that doing a menial job.

To describe someone as a pessimist is to issue an insult, whereas to be labelled an optimist is to get a pat on the back. To dismiss someone's argument as pessimistic is to suggest it is the product of a personality disorder, rather than careful analysis.

I've been wanting to do some type of video about the idea that YouTubers have to have some kind of personality disorder, something right, to do what we do. Putting ourselves on camera all the time, being so open on camera all the time, having conventions with our name in it. There has to be something.

There is no cure for narcissistic personality disorder. If you have a relationship with someone who has it, there will be a certain level of pain built into it. I don't think you can have a close, loving relationship with a narcissist, and I don't think it's possible to be a true narcissist and be a good mother.

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