I'm incredibly lazy!

I know if I'm lost in the moment or not.

I've been prepping for my role as Medusa.

I don't bring my life into a character at all.

It's hard for me to put my feelings into words.

I don't spend most of my life in front of the media.

Once I became a total buffoon, it was so liberating.

I'm vomiting days before I start shooting a new movie.

For me, I'd rather have an intense experience than not.

Every movie soaks into you for a certain amount of time.

I guess my experience with some stuff is kind of abstract.

It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal.

I've made up so many stores about my name, I can't remember.

I guess I had what you could call an unconventional upbringing.

I don't know a single person in life that doesn't have conflict.

It's an amazing feeling to go into a studio and really be alone.

When I decide to do something, I stick with it, total commitment.

I'm like the kid that crams for tests and never remembers anything.

You can take that 'I'm an artiste' stuff to the wrong extreme, too.

You're always thinking, What's the next move - the career, the money.

I still think that movies are amazing; I respect actors and directors.

There is no need for fur - since there are compassionate alternatives.

I'm proud of my brother. I would never not want to be associated with him.

Acting is real important to me. I love it, and it's something I care about.

Is it that your dream is unattainable or is it that you have the wrong dream?

I like working all the time. I hate taking breaks. I don't like the weekends.

My parents were just searching for an alternative way of raising their children.

Things are rarely as exciting or dramatic as we make them out to be in the press.

You see so many earnest characters in movies all the time, everyone has a purpose.

I just I don't feel challenged by acting anymore. I don't enjoy the process anymore.

There was a time when I read a script and I just got excited about the possibilities.

I wish I had fair justification for not being as informed as I should be, but I don't.

I've worked with a lot of people on music and often times those things don't work out.

I'd see child actors and I'd get so jealous, because they're just completely wide open.

Do I have a large frog in my hair? I have the sensation that something is eating my brain.

I enjoy writing rhymes and sitting alone in a room listening to beats. It's pretty amazing.

I always have the fear that, if I don't commit 100 percent to my work, then it's gonna suffer.

I like being an employee. I like making somebody happy - and if they're not, then I'm crushed.

For me, I guess I'm the acting equivalent of somebody that jumps off buildings and parachutes.

I would try and sing along with bands that I like but it sounded so atrocious that I couldn't.

The reason I keep making movies is I hate the last thing I did. I'm trying to rectify my wrongs.

I wouldn't feel satisfied being on set every day doing a romantic comedy - I'd be bored to death.

No, I don't want to talk about River. I have nothing to say about it that I would want to be public.

The less someone knows about me, the better, because my intention is to play a variety of characters.

I enjoy humour more than anything, I don't really sit around banging my head and crying all the time.

I love having a master. I have no problem serving my director. That's my job. I want to make them happy.

My music is going to be true. I'm not out to sell records. I'm experiencing something, and it's what I feel.

Whether you think a film will affect society or it's plain entertainment, it's all excellent, it's all noble.

The footage that you're about to watch of China's dog-leather trade is one of the worst things I've ever seen.

With public figures involved in a relationship it seems that there is a machine behind their love so oftentimes.

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