Oxford, the paradise of dead philosophies.

It's the philosophies of being an athlete that carry me today.

Nobody seriously believes in the social philosophies of the immediate past.

One of my philosophies of building companies is the importance of velocity.

Moderation is the center wherein all philosophies, both human and divine, meet.

I'm all for natural solutions. I'm for eastern philosophies. Yoga is a good one.

What I am interested in are the philosophies of the future. That's what drives me.

I used to have a lot of philosophies of acting; they all fell apart over the years.

It's one of the guiding philosophies of my life - not fearing any authority on earth.

There are more truths in twenty-four hours of a man's life than in all the philosophies.

All philosophies, if you ride them home, are nonsense, but some are greater nonsense than others.

I was a natural talent, a raw talent. Then I came to Manchester City, and I learned philosophies.

It is function of government to invent philosophies to explain the demands of its own convenience.

You've got to reach a hand of friendship across the aisle and across philosophies in this country.

Thoughtful people of different political philosophies can disagree, but in a very agreeable manner.

So many differing opinions and philosophies... are rarely housed under the roof of a single magazine.

Yes, obviously, there's this degree of wanting people to accept other people faiths and philosophies.

You get different philosophies in coaching, usually depending on what position the coach himself played.

School gives you the freedom to explore different philosophies, religions, aspects of yourself, and subjects.

I am inspired by many mediums and use them to express varied aspects of my philosophies and life observations.

Philosophies change by the day while God never changes, simply because, being perfect, He does not have to change!

Are there some people that are white nationalists that are attracted to some of the philosophies of the alt-right? Maybe.

I think it's part of my personality - I love to travel; I love different cultures and philosophies and perspectives on things.

Each of my Shakespeare pieces is different to the other, but each espouses a set of philosophies common to all my theatre work.

What I really like to do with my music is these concept stories, and I always like to have some life philosophies in the lyrics.

Senator Brown and I have different philosophies as represented in our different ratings: I am a conservative, and he is a liberal.

It's difficult to innovate, but you must try to create a project under your ideas and philosophies to take you ahead of other clubs.

There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness.

The philosophies of one age have become the absurdities of the next, and the foolishness of yesterday has become the wisdom of tomorrow.

I've had two children. I've had three boyfriends. I've had a lot of things happen that can change your opinions and values and philosophies.

One of my life philosophies is that you have a choice to make when you're doing something creative. You can be cheesy... or you can be lame.

One of my philosophies is that citizens are the mayor... so we have citizens play an integral role in making policies and implementing them.

Porsche's and Apple's design philosophies are similar. Much like the 356, the original iPhone was about defining a foundation for the future.

It's been tough throughout my career having different coaches and different philosophies, different style of plays throughout this entire time.

Phil Jackson is a role model, and basically a coaching idol of mine. He's someone I really tried to model some of my coaching philosophies after.

You're not a star until you love yourself. Directors, yeah, they've got to love their own philosophies. But actors have to really love themselves.

V is like a mythical situation. It's an allegory for what could happen. V has philosophies within it that actually warn against things like that happening.

You may find many contradictory statements and philosophies within my writings. However, to this I will say such is life, for life is full of contradictions.

Mythology and history are my passion. I grew up in a religious family and learnt about our scriptures and philosophies. It's the language I'm comfortable with.

While I have the greatest respect for the Supreme Court's members, I cannot claim familiarity with any particular judicial philosophies the justices might possess.

People talk about managers having certain styles and philosophies... well, Benitez manages by conflict. Look right through his career and you will see it everywhere.

I thought I could go into Cardiff, but different clubs have different cultures, different playing styles and philosophies. I'm more suited to the other jobs I've had.

The title 'Now He Sings, Now He Sobs' comes from 'I Ching,' an ancient Chinese book that I was into in the '60s when I was studying different philosophies and religions.

Materialist philosophies that treat human beings as machines or animals possess the high ground in our culture - academia, the most powerful media and many of our courts.

The real breeders of discontent and alien doctrines of government and philosophies subversive of good citizenship are such as these who take the law into their own hands.

I love conversation and the sharing of different thoughts and philosophies. That kind of stuff always makes me happy. I don't mind interviews, either - I like doing them.

The markets represent the aggregate interaction of many investors. Their attitudes, philosophies, and behavioral patterns on many levels are predictable... and repetitive.

I really wanted to put myself out of my comfort zone, and that meant leaving England and really changing culture and different ideas and philosophies in a club environment.

Spending time at the Federal Reserve was a good learning opportunity for me. It helped me to understand economic philosophies and polices that I had not previously known about.

My mother has brought me up in a manner that has allowed me to retain my values, ideologies, and philosophies. I was let loose, just enough to develop an individual personality.

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