There is no particular reason to search for meaning.

Available light is any damn light that is available!

Every photograph is a battle of form versus content.

Digital photography makes you a better photographer.

French 'Vogue' was always a photographer's magazine.

Try to go out empty and let your images fill you up.

I'm a photographer, a still photographer. That's it.

I want to be the toughest photographer in the world.

Photography is a language more universal than words.

You don’t take pictures, the good ones happen to you.

A skillful photographer can photograph anything well.

A very subtle difference can make the picture or not.

It is necessary to like loneliness to be photographer

I do not document anything, I give an interpretation.

The Earth is Art, The Photographer is only a Witness.

The more specific you are, the more general it'll be.

Have the utmost respect for your subjects. Love them.

The instrument is not the camera but the photographer.

One shouldn’t be only two photographers but thousands.

I haven't seen too many images that have impressed me!

I'm kind of a twisted social documentary photographer.

Every photograph is altered, to one degree or another.

When I take a picture I take 10 percent of what I see.

We photographers are poets in the language of symbols.

No photographer is better than the simplest of cameras

Patience is the essence of clicking great Photographs!!

Photographers, like kids, should be seen and not heard.

The mystery isn't in the technique, it's in each of us.

A photograph is usually looked at - seldom looked into.

Anything is an art if you do it at the level of an art.

I sometimes like the pictures photographers take of me.

In every photographer there is something of a stroller.

The goal for the photographer is be visually articulate.

I am always stimulated by people. Almost never by ideas.

It's my obligation to take out all the 'wrong' pictures.

All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth.

A photographer's reality is what he or she wants to show.

My name is Weegee. I'm the world's greatest photographer.

It is the photo that takes you. One must not take photos.

I myself was a wedding photographer when I was, like, 16.

It's always a pleasure to talk about someone else's work.

Take your camera off automatic. You are the photographer.

Photography is an adventure just as life is an adventure.

For me, art is such a wide concept - anything can be art.

We work for that part of our vision which is uncompleted.

Well, now I'm an old photographer and I still don't sell.

If I had seven lives, I'd be a photographer in every one.

I'm always mentally photographing everything as practice.

If you want to be a photographer, you have to photograph.

Don't shoot what it looks like. Shoot what it feels like.

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