I don't like to be pigeon-holed.

I don't like being pigeon-holed.

I like people not being able to be pigeon-holed.

I don't want to be pigeon-holed as a firefighter.

You can become really pigeon-holed in this industry.

My career is chequered. Then I think I got pigeon-holed in humour; Shakespeare is not my thing.

I'm quietly becoming New York's premiere actor. People don't understand. They have me pigeon-holed as a comedian.

I think that I've been pigeon-holed by virtue of the fact that I've spent so much time in front of a green screen.

Give more acting roles to 48-year-old half-Lithuanians who just don't want to be pigeon-holed as bakery presenters.

The whole thing is you don't want to be pigeon-holed as 'Oh, he's a guy in a wheel chair. He's very fragile. You better watch out.'

I don't want to get pigeon-holed into a certain kind of character. I love action roles and the hero, but I want to keep trying something new.

I hate being pigeon-holed into anything. To me, the best thing is when the next job comes and is completely different to the one that I just had.

With the first novel, I was concerned I would be pigeon-holed as an Asian-American writer, and the book would be labeled for Asian-Americans only.

People talk about me being a firefighter, but I have also been very successful. It annoys me that in this country you get pigeon-holed for certain things.

I really like to try my hand at everything, and I think it's probably dangerous to let oneself be pigeon-holed, not necessarily by other people, but in one's own mind.

I believe we all have different ways we came to the gay community and we can't and shouldn't be pigeon-holed into one cultural narrative which can be uninclusive and disempowering.

You just don't want to get pigeon-holed into one position. That's why even though I start out at center, I may play small forward, if I get a rebound and you're not there I can bring the ball up.

When I first got to New York, all I did was musicals. After a few years I had to make a conscious choice to close the door on musicals, because I was getting pigeon-holed as a musical theater performer.

I have worried about getting pigeon-holed, but now I think I've done enough weird, offbeat stuff not to be. And I also know that I do things for the right reasons: I've made my money, so I don't have to say yes to anything.

I never wanted to stay in one genre; I never wanted to be pigeon-holed or defined as the actor who only worked in one genre. I want to be able to work in all different genres. For me it's fun, and that's how I grow as an actor.

I guess you get pigeon-holed in Hollywood, but I'm ok with that because I've been able to do a lot. I started in the theater, then I went to stand-up comedy, and then when I went into the movies to do comedy and drama and big movies and small movies.

People ask if I feel pigeon-holed by always doing the same kind of humorous role. But my tool has always been humor because it's the most entertaining way to put any ideology across, and it's fun, and it's positive, and it's a healer. Laughter is God's gift. I feel privileged to be able to do it.

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