Extravagance is the rich man's pitfall.

IT'S a pitfall to have a definition of photography.

Even a little of dharma saves one from many a pitfall.

Good things do not come easy. The road is lined with pitfalls.

There is no way to take the danger out of human relationships.

The person who failed often knows how to avoid future failures.

The more thou dost advance, the more thy feet pitfalls will meet.

There are no clear paths. Only pitfalls and tripwires and darkness.

I must try to live in society and yet remain untouched by its pitfalls.

The biggest pitfall as you make your way through your life is impatience.

The guest artists pass on not only their experiences but also the pitfalls.

One of the pitfalls of a romantic comedy is that you know how it's going to end.

I tell young guys, you need to build accountability into your life to avoid the pitfalls.

I don't believe in pitfalls. I believe in taking risks and not doing the same thing twice.

The whole world is strewn with snares, traps, gins and pitfalls for the capture of men by women.

Faerie is a perilous land, and in it are pitfalls for the unwary, and dungeons for the overbold.

The biggest financial pitfall in life is divorce. And the biggest reason for divorce is marriage.

Political novels are full of pitfalls, particularly for a novelist with strong political leanings.

Decorators should always remember that letting a client see too many beautiful things is a pitfall.

I know more now than I did in the past about the process of democratization. I know more about the pitfalls.

Now that I have created moe, men of the world will never know peace as they struggle with the pitfalls of 3D.

If you decide to design your own language, there are thousands of sort of amateur language designer pitfalls.

Everything I know now . . . the pitfalls, the highs and lows, everything . . . it taught me and made stronger.

A language not based on universal symbols or sensations is gibberish, a pitfall of modern art, no longer modern.

Good planning avoids the need for fixing up a project that plowed ahead without thought... about potential pitfalls.

Hyper-parenting has many pitfalls. Overprotected and overpraised children may develop an inflated sense of entitlement.

You know, it's just a matter of working through the pitfalls sometimes and working through the challenges that lie ahead.

I've got to take measured steps and avoid the pitfalls. Life in general has pitfalls, but being a boxer there's even more.

Like the early days of the Internet, the dawn of personal genomics promises benefits and pitfalls that no one can foresee.

The enormous pitfall is devotion to oneself instead of to life. All works that are self-devoted are absolutely ineffective.

As I've said before, I'm a big fan of social media because it allows players and fans to interactive but it can have its pitfalls.

Talk to successful entrepreneurs. Learn about what they've experienced so you can avoid some of the pitfalls that come with wealth.

One of the main pitfalls of any theoretically "niche" show is that you spend too much time on the "niche" and not enough time on the "show."

The person who failed often knows how to avoid future failures. The person who knows only success can be more oblivious to all the pitfalls.

One of the main pitfalls of any theoretically 'niche' show is that you spend too much time on the 'niche' and not enough time on the 'show.'

I've been through a lot of situations with women and if I can help someone else avoid the pitfalls that I've gone through then I'm happy to help.

A pitfall of making a comedy with a studio-and it's also an American cultural thing-is that I get tired of being encouraged to go always for laughs.

This is the weirdest industry. When you have a job, you can't fall into the pitfalls of thinking you're secure. If it's not a firing, it's a strike.

I realized some of the pitfalls of being well-known; it was nice if you were successful, but it made it just that much harder to take when you failed.

As a science-fiction writer, I feel my responsibility is to look ahead and see the dangers of what might happen and try to warn people of the potential pitfalls.

Its fun for me to go on other folks talk shows. When youve endured the ups and downs and tensions and pitfalls of hosting, being a guest is a piece of angel food.

It's fun for me to go on other folks' talk shows. When you've endured the ups and downs and tensions and pitfalls of hosting, being a guest is a piece of angel food.

As the growth mindset has become more popular and taken hold, we are beginning to find that there are pitfalls. Many educators misunderstand or misapply the concepts.

I'm an optimist. My own fiction, while it has its own dark warnings about pitfalls ahead, depicts the potential of science to improve society by networking human minds.

The fact that my parents were both educated and held certain values very dearly, like honesty, self-respect and integrity, meant that I could steer clear of many pitfalls.

Like a lot of people, I've got a self-loathing streak that's alive and well. It acts as a de facto engine when I'm working, but it also has its extraordinary pitfalls, too.

At a very young age I was predicting outcomes, trying to take all the information and find the best route to wherever I was going. I avoided a lot of pitfalls because of that.

I want to offer plus-size women the opportunity to wear fun colors and to avoid the pitfalls of only wearing black because many curvy girls think it is the only color that is slimming.

The ways in which readers encounter and relate to information is dramatically influenced by their education as well as their awareness of the pitfalls relating to the information source.

Above all, we must avoid the pitfalls of tribalism. If we are divided among ourselves on tribal lines, we open our doors to foreign intervention and its potentially harmful consequences.

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