Nobody said being platinum was easy.

I'm not lookin' to go platinum or triple platinum.

On my wedding day, I gifted my wife a platinum ring.

All I know is gold and platinum, and I want to be platinum.

I've only had one platinum album, and it's 'Red River Blue'.

My records don't go platinum or gold. I think they go cedar.

I was on mad platinum albums... I produced and wrote on them.

J Cole went platinum with no features, and I wanna go platinum!

Platinum is a lot of things: it's hair, it's diamonds and platinum

I'm the 1st black platinum artist in Detroit, solo artist in Detroit.

In Australia, our first album went four-times platinum. It was massive.

If you come to my house in Kolkata, it is full of gold and platinum discs.

I mean, y'know, platinum is different in every country, which can be confusing.

I have records in gold, in platinum, I have two Oscars, I have Grammys and so on.

This new age metal Luminex Uno- made up of gold, platinum and silver is excellent.

I'm a bombshell, so I'm going to do me. If I want to go platinum, I'm going platinum.

I've never been platinum. I've never sold out an arena. I've never been on an arena tour.

My house looks like it was decorated by a 14-year old with a platinum American Express card.

Washington honors the Platinum Rule above all: 'Do it unto others before they do it unto you'.

Marilyn Monroe never sold a platinum album. And more people know my music than what I look like.

Platinum for me signifies everlasting love, which needs to be celebrated in the most special way.

People in the media, it makes their day when someone they say is a five-star artist goes platinum.

No artist that beefs with me or talks down on my name has that many platinum songs. They're all gold.

I don't need material things like gold and platinum records on my wall, Grammys or Hall Of Fame nods.

I keep my hair gray, so I like silver and platinum. For women who dye their hair, they can wear whatever they want.

Me and my mom were just watching the charts like, 'Why isn't it stopping?' And now I've got a platinum disc in my bedroom.

I've got a room full of gold and platinum records, a lot of them are Canadian, and I've got a very soft spot for that country.

I'm actually going to self-produce my next tape that I'm working on, 'Platinum Frame'. This going to be my second official mixtape.

I can't immediately get all this coverage when my record comes out. The way I sell gold and platinum records is by being on the road.

You sign your life away, basically, when you sign a record deal, and if you have a platinum album, then you go back in and renegotiate.

The first song that I had that went platinum was 'Keep Your Head Up,' which was a long time ago. Then, you get 'one-hit wonder' with that.

'Rapper's Delight' was done in 17 minutes. Just one take, no mistakes, and it went to press from there. The record went platinum in 8 days.

All the Junos, the Grammy nominations, the gold and platinum records, did nothing to assuage my conviction that I was an out-and-out loser.

My natural color is dark blond, but right now I like being a brunette. I did a movie last summer and they dyed my hair platinum - I hated it.

I never thought of having platinum albums and winning awards. I just wanted to write songs and sing when I started out in the music business.

For the first six years of my career I was independent. I got on to a major and did my thing there. I had platinum and gold records and all that.

On 'Platinum Flame,' I engineered the beats myself, so I produced and engineered them. So this is getting even truer to myself, how I truly feel.

There's not a platinum record hanging in my house anywhere. It doesn't exist here. I'm over it. They're all in the garage, wrapped up in bubblewrap.

I think our first record was a fluke, really. The fact that it went platinum and all that, it was all due to one video and the timing being just right.

Unfortunately - as I have experienced first-hand, as many artists have - there's a gaping hole between platinum and non-existent. There's no in-between.

If I never sang on a record again I can still look at my walls. They are covered floor to ceiling with gold and platinum records from all over the world.

You can have the platinum album. But, you know, when you still feel like you haven't quite found your place in the world, it kind of gives a crazy offset.

Taylor's first four albums have been certified platinum a combined 21 times, but despite her unprecedented success in country music, '1989' is strictly pop.

I support any procedure that allows photographers to express themselves, whether that involves color, black and white, platinum, palladium and digital technology.

Basically when you're a writer and have a mind like mine, my mind has gone platinum multiple times, and I have got a heart of gold; my heart's in the right place.

So when you're sat there and you're looking at a platinum disc on your wall, for a song you wrote on your own, it's like this is getting crazy, man. It's all crazy.

Achievements are precious and timeless, just like the precious metal platinum. And what better way to celebrate milestones in your life than with precious platinum.

I'm not anti single. I'm not one of them niggas that say "Aww record sales ain't everything." No. I wanna sell good. I would love a platinum record on radio and charts.

I have this first album that sells more than 100,000 copies in its first week, debuts at number two, goes gold, the single goes platinum, we're doing Madison Square Garden.

I was talking to my good friend Kid Rock a while ago, and he told me if I'd send him a helmet, he'd send me an autographed platinum record. I thought that was a pretty sweet swap.

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