I don't think the players play with the same desire they once did.

Believe me, you need good people if you want to make good players.

I'm the first one to admit, I'm a pretty unorthodox guitar player.

A player you can buy in 24 hours, believe me. That's not a problem

Eric Cantona is a great player, but he's not as good as Ryan Giggs

Iniesta is easily Spain's most complete player. He has everything.

When I play any of the top teams or the top players, it's a stage.

All the classic jazz players all sang and a lot of 'em sang blues.

All hockey players are bilingual. They know English and profanity.

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women mearly players.

I don't work this hard just to be the best player. I do it to win.

There are two sides, two players. One is light, the other is dark.

The most important part of a player's body is above his shoulders.

Because I was a tennis player, Billie Jean King was a hero of mine.

I would prefer to tell a young player what to do than how to do it.

If I'm going to be a jazz player, I need to understand Miles Davis.

There are many players who don't measure up to their marketability.

If you're straight with your players, they'll be straight with you.

You know, I think I'm the worst player to talk to about statistics.

I try to respect everybody out here: players, caddies, fans, media.

Football develops, it becomes quicker, players develop as athletes.

Stand up for your players. Show them you care on and off the court.

...an excellent player, but he [Ian Wright] does have a black side.

Best football player I played against? I think Messi. He killed us.

Players suffer coaching changes all the time; it's life in the NFL.

Bass players are always the intellectual kind, but nobody knows it.

Get off, you look ugly (to a blood splattered player during a game)

Ovechkin does not play like a Russian. He plays like an NHL player.

A complacent player is a lazy player, and a lazy player is a loser.

Knowing your coach has confidence in you is big for a young player.

My inspiration was the game itself, not any individual player in it.

Lahm is the most intelligent player I have ever trained in my career

I believe in Wendel Clark. We want Wendel to be a prime-time player.

I spend a lot of time copying saxophone players and trumpet players.

Do I feel pressure being a young player with high expectations? Nah.

Don't ever have a rule that you won't enforce with your best player.

Little Walter was the best harmonica player I ever heard in my life.

The trouble with Earl Barrett is that he's one paced .... Zooommmmm.

In my youth I thought I was going to be a professional rugby player.

I watch the PGA, not the LPGA. I like the players on the PGA better.

The bigger the world economy, the more powerful its smallest player.

I couldnt change who I am; I couldnt change the kind of player I am.

I do like Eddie Van Halen as a player. He gets it right quite often.

I got players with bad watches - they can't tell midnight from noon.

Consciousness is the smallest player in the operations of the brain.

I always say golf's a really good exposer of a player's personality.

The most important attribute a player must have is mental toughness.

If I can be half the hockey player that Bobby Orr was, I'll be happy.

There are no shortcuts to good golf. The better players realize this.

I can't stay in the box and wait for the ball. I can't - I would die.

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