I'm an emotional player ... I like to leave it out there.

To be a great player, you have to affect the entire unit.

If you love Senegal so much, why don't you play for them?

Everyone who watches me play knows I am an honest player.

Messi is the number one. No other player is close to him.

You can't quantify everything a player does to win games.

Lionel Messi is the most amazing player I have ever seen.

The kerosene record player is not a very efficient device.

I feel like I'm a basketball player in a football uniform.

Troy Polamalu was a fascinating player, and that made him.

I'm starting to see players copy what I do. I'm flattered.

I can be a much better player. I've got a long ways to go.

AB de Villiers reminds me of my young days, What a Player!

All this world is but a play... be thou the joyful player.

The legend of the best player of chess has been destroyed.

Patience is the most valuable trait of the endgame player.

The young players in the Welsh squad aren't young any more

Life is a game in which the player must appear ridiculous.

I want to be remembered as a championship football player.

The end goal is to become FIFA Women's Player of the Year.

You always want to see the NFL try to protect the players.

My goal was to go to college and come out the best player.

You will never see players from City surround the referee.

Paolo Maldini is neither a legend nor a world class player!

A lot of players might be tired, but I feel nice and sharp.

If ever a player was out of his class that night it was me.

I am a lucky player; a powerful winning force surrounds me.

Even on the greatest teams, there's always one role player.

Only the player with the initiative has the right to attack

If I were a piano player, I'd play it in the goddam closet.

I want to be the player who hits home runs, drives in runs.

I wanted to be an outstanding player, that was my ambition.

When your best players are really good guys, it's the best.

You have to defeat a great players aura more than his game.

I don't think Kobe is the best player. I'm the best player.

A chess player never has a heart attack in a good position.

Dating a tennis player is risky - love means nothing to us.

This team [England] has some of the best players in England

AB de Villers is the most complete player of the Modern Era.

Players' attention spans get less and less as they progress.

He's not fit to lace my boots as a player. (on Kevin Keegan)

It can be boring to see the same players winning every time.

There's nobody fitter at his age, except maybe Raquel Welch.

The player who puts the ball through the hoop has ten hands.

Good players win volleyball games for you, not tall players.

Duncan became a legend before he became a player at Everton.

Trade a player a year too early rather than a year too late.

Ask any comedian, tennis player, chef. Timing is everything.

Only the player with the initiative has the right to attack.

I wanted to be a soccer player. I knew that couldn't happen.

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