There’s no snobbery like that of the poor toward one another.

Oh my poor soul, what is to become of you? - Where do you go?

My mom was born poor, raised poor, and was going to die poor.

The poor are not a problem to be solved but a people to join.

sorrow must not be cultivated: it is a poor lifestyle choice.

O poor mortals, how ye make this earth bitter for each other.

Poor intricated soul! Riddling, perplexed, labyrinthical soul!

Victorian values meant brutalizing people who were often poor.

The very rich and the very social are, often, the very stuffy.

I'm fortunate enough not to be poor, and I'm not a bad tipper.

Only the rich can get justice, only the poor cannot escape it.

Teaching by precept, without example, is mighty poor teaching.

The poor are not the people with less, which is less desirable

Poor is a state of mind. Broke is, 'I'm just passing through.'

Nobody likes being around poor people, especially poor people.

Poor parenting may be reflected in poor sibling relationships.

The poor are the only ones who suffer. And they're used to it.

The land too poor for any other crop, is best for raising men.

The goal to strive for is a poor government but a rich people.

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all your time.

You have to be very rich or very poor to live without a trade.

Lately I've been runnin' on faith. What else can a poor boy do?

Bring the genius of the rich to unleash the genius of the poor.

O, how wretched is that poor man that hangs on princes' favors.

We get good grades or poor grades - according to our attitudes.

Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death.

Come poor, lost, undone sinner, come just as you are to Christ.

A snooze button is a poor substitute for no alarm clock at all.

I don't trust a bank that would lend money to such a poor risk.

It's the rich you can terrorize. The poor have nothing to lose.

The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs.

The best thing you can do for the poor is not to be one of them.

Youth is the best time to be rich, and the best time to be poor.

I had the most absurd nightmare. I was poor and no one liked me.

[On Ronald Reagan:] Poor dear, there's nothing between his ears.

Unlike money, hope is all: for the rich as well as for the poor.

This society is not only to relieve the poor, but to save souls.

To be poor, and to seem poor, is a certain method never to rise.

How poor is the wisdom of men, and how uncertain their forecast!

In India, innocent and poor children are victims of child labor.

Poor Darrell Hammond. What's he going to do when I leave office?

When you find that a book is poor ... waste no more time upon it.

The fact that the poor are alive is clear proof of their ability.

Poor countries are poor because they are wasting their resources.

It's easier to ask for money from the poor than from the wealthy.

I have been rich and I have been poor. I know which one I prefer.

I was poor once, I didn't like it, I don't want to be poor again.

The World Has Divided into Rich and Poor as at No Time in History

I hired finishers because I'm a good starter and a poor finisher.

There must be Religion. Otherwise the poor would murder the rich.

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