Poverty consist in feeling poor.

I'm only a poor corrupt official.

You're just too poor to get rich.

Bells, the poor man's only music.

The world's fat is badly divided.

Christian' makes a poor adjective

The poor are the blacks of Europe.

A poor thing, perhaps, but my own.

Religion is the opium of the poor.

Poor me, poor me, pour me another.

Money is a poor man's credit card.

Poor people have sh*tty lobbyists.

Music is the poor man's Parnassus.

What you don’t know keeps you poor.

Racism is the snobbery of the poor.

Poor fellow, he suffers from files.

People who give will never be poor.

Even a poor man can receive honors.

It's such a Bore Being always Poor.

Reason is a poor hand at prophecies.

... frugality makes a poor man rich.

Broke is temporary, poor is eternal.

I was determined not to remain poor.

He is not poor who has a competency.

Few save the poor feel for the poor.

No one ever became poor from giving.

Even the poor can be fat in the U.S.

Happy people are poor psychologists.

We spend more on cows than the poor.

The poor are only they who feel poor.

Divinity lies in service to the poor.

The well-adjusted make poor prophets.

I grew up very poor in rural Alabama.

Being poor is only romantic in books.

The great men of antiquity were poor.

Poor people always lose in struggles.

In high school, I was a poor student.

I think I'm a very poor piano player.

an imitator is always a poor example.

I never got a job from a poor person.

Money is a poor indicator of success.

The rich will always betray the poor.

Very few people can afford to be poor.

As a rule, only the poor are generous.

Sacred cows make very poor gladiators.

Cats are the tigers of us poor devils.

Cinna wishes to seem poor, and is poor

No one has ever become poor by giving.

My poor fellow, why not carry a watch?

Rich people are poor people with money.

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