I had a will to win that come from being raised poor.

I'd like to live like a poor man with a lot of money.

Immediate work, even poor, is worth more than dreams.

The surest way to remain poor is to be an honest man.

It's a poor artist who borrows--a good artist steals.

The Democrat is the party that's gonna keep you poor!

Oh, how I would like a poor Church, and for the poor.

Great expectations are better than a poor possession.

The poor man is he who, having much, craves for more.

I am not poor. Poor are those who desire many things.

Whoever named it necking was a poor judge of anatomy.

It must be poor life that achieves freedom from fear.

Even a poor tour guide is entitled to some happiness.

I feel pity for him, and that is a poor sign of love.

Procrastination is the beginning of poor performance.

It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards.

Poor humans; they will all die.""Poor us; we will not.

I have been poor and I have been rich. Rich is better.

You are not kept poor by lack in the supply of riches.

It is no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.

Feeding the starving poor only increases their number.

Never knew how poor I was until I started making money.

In future we'll have a different type of rich and poor.

The poor Oscars - they always get slammed in the press.

Dogmatists have one advantage: they are poor listeners.

Sanctions always hurt the poor, the weak, the children.

We have no right to luxuries while the poor want bread.

Not one poor reader reported a lot of pleasure reading.

Live and think like a poor man and you'll always be OK.

The coat that hangs in your closet belongs to the poor.

That if you’re poor, somehow you’re shiftless and lazy.

Flies? Flies? Poor puny things. Who wants to eat flies?

A poor relation—is the most irrelevant thing in nature.

Poor form in the gym is caused by insufficient yelling.

Whose fault is it if poor Ireland still continues poor?

If you have two coats, one of them belongs to the poor.

I was born poor, I have lived poor, I wish to die poor.

Most jury trials are contests between the rich and poor.

I think clever people think that poor people are stupid.

Additional problems are the offspring of poor solutions.

When the rich wage war, it's the poor who fight and die.

My poor head is in such a whirl, my mind is all in bits.

I've been to those places where it's 'poor, pitiful me.'

Poor, dear, silly Spring, preparing her annual surprise!

Alas! innocence is but a poor substitute for experience.

When all a man has is worldly wealth, he is poor indeed.

Proper prior planning prevents pitiful poor performance.

I firmly believe that our salvation depends on the poor.

You don't have to be poor to need something or somebody.

I had rather be poor in His service than rich in my own.

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