My daughter's Portuguese.

My homeland is the portuguese language.

Romania are more Portuguese than German.

We, Portuguese, make this country very big.

Mom ran the house, so we grew up Portuguese.

I don't write in Portuguese. I write myself.

I'm Portuguese. After lunch, I need an espresso.

A Portuguese is not going to punch you for no reason.

Who is not patriotic can not be considered Portuguese.

No man born of woman has ever understood spoken Portuguese.

Nobody appropriates novelties as readily as the Portuguese.

I am like all Portuguese people in that I admire Mourinho a lot.

From 1 till 7, when we moved to England, I spoke only Portuguese.

We know about Portuguese football, we know the Portuguese culture.

I am fluent in Spanish and I understand French, Italian and Portuguese.

I come from Brazil, which is a Portuguese speaking part of the continent.

The sea with an end can be Greek or Roman: the endless sea is Portuguese.

I speak English, Portuguese, and French. One day I'd love to learn Italian.

The Portuguese and Galician term 'saudade' suggests a profoundly bittersweet nostalgia.

I've recorded in Portuguese, too. I didn't set out to just sing ballads or romantic songs.

I listen to a variety of music. I like everything from old Arabic music to Portuguese fados.

Tempura-style batters were originally brought to Japan by Portuguese missionaries in the 16th century.

We have always felt the support of the Portuguese people. We are a small country, but with many qualities.

When I take my free-kicks, I think in Portuguese, and at most, I'll do the celebrating in my native tongue.

From one till seven, when we moved to England, I spoke only Portuguese. But I can't speak a word of it now.

I grew up in Fall River, Massachusetts. My background was modest, and I worked at a Portuguese bakery in town.

I never watched British television. I bought myself a satellite for French, Spanish and Portuguese TV, instead.

'Conexao,' which means 'connection' in Portuguese, is about exploring the more nuanced highs and lows of romance.

I have two Portuguese league titles behind me, and although the Spanish league is different I am going to do my best.

I'm going to be a very bad Portuguese right now - I'm actually not a fan of pastel de natas. I'm just not a fan of cream.

Words were written out for me phonetically. I learned to quack in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese and German.

The 1966 World Cup was the high point of my career. We may have lost the semi-final, but Portuguese football was a big winner.

Because of my Portuguese heritage, I have an interest in all of the instrumentation that comes from Portugal and Brazil as well.

I am very happy to be signing for the best team in the world and especially proud to be the first Portuguese player to join United.

Portuguese is the language of my heart; it's the language of my feelings. It's the language that I feel I can express myself best in.

My father is Portuguese, and in Portugal, it is traditional to take your mother's maiden name as a middle name. My mum is called Tough.

Portugal have a mix of players and talent, which is what Portuguese players and coaches are often about. It's like play-ground football.

We speak loud. And we speak with our hands, but we're not aggressive like warwise. A Portuguese is not going to punch you for no reason.

The connections are very important with the fans, with the journalists, with the people. The Portuguese like to do this - it's a characteristic.

My CD collection has a lot of world music - lots of Indian, African, Portuguese, Greek, Italian music. Because of my husband, a lot of jazz, too.

There is a degree of wretchedness and want among the lower class of people which is not anywhere so common as among the Spanish and Portuguese settlements.

I'm English. I've never said the opposite. I'm 100 per cent English. In Portugal it happens that a lot of Brazilians play for Portugal and they're not Portuguese.

I can speak English, Portuguese, and a bit of Spanish, or Sportugal. It's a mix of Portuguese and Spanish. I understand French and Italian, but I can't speak them.

I'm a Catholic by background. I was raised in Goa, a part of India that was visited by Portuguese missionaries a few hundred years ago, which explains my last name.

At this moment, by an undeserved stroke of fortune, I am the direct voice of the poets of my race and the indirect voice for the noble Spanish and Portuguese tongues.

Wijnaldum always tries to do some jokes inside the dressing room. He's always winding people up. He always tries to speak in Portuguese or Spanish with us and dancing.

I'm lucky because I have so many clashing cultural, racial things going on: black, Jewish, Irish, Portuguese, Cherokee. I can float and be part of any community I want.

Every footballer has their own identity. A Uruguayan player is different to a Spanish player. A Portuguese player may be similar to a Spanish one, but not the same - and so on.

I studied a lot from bossa nova, and I used to listen to it a lot as a kid because my mum would play it. I even wanted to learn Portuguese in high school so I could sing in it.

My brother and I have matching tattoos on our arms. It says, 'Humility is strength,' in Portuguese and Italian, because my genius brother taught English in both Italy and Brazil.

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