Virtues are acquired through endeavor, Which rests wholly upon ...

Virtues are acquired through endeavor, Which rests wholly upon yourself. So, to praise others for their virtues Can but encourage one's own efforts.

Praise thyself never.

Envy bestrides praise.

I don't look for praise.

The work praises the man.

Envy is a kind of praise.

Blame is safer than praise

Applause abates diligence.

You can't eat compliments.

Our praises are our wages.

Lord! who hath praise enough?

No praise, no blame. Just so.

What you praise you increase.

Wonder is involuntary praise.

Praise is deeper than the lips

Good things should be praised.

Praise little, dispraise less.

Praise a hill, but keepe below.

Their silence is praise enough.

Praise and disgrace cause fear.

Their silence is enough praise.

Let us now praise Barack Obama.

We increase whatever we praise.

I praise loudly. I blame softly.

Brooklyn praise is half slander.

Every man praises his own wares.

The house praises the carpenter.

Praise the sea, on shore remain.

Self praise is no praise at all.

Every potter praises his own pot.

Neither blame or praise yourself.

Praise the Sea, but keepe on land.

A little praise goes a great ways.

A babe is fed with milk and praise.

Praise is the reflection of virtue.

I praise loudly and I blame softly.

Do not seek praise. Seek criticism.

Your praises will become your wages.

With faint praises one another damn.

Just be quiet and accept the praise.

A child is fed with milk and praise.

The sweeter sound of woman's praise.

False praise is worse than no praise.

Always praise 'em before you hit 'em.

Usually we praise only to be praised.

Sometimes you have to praise players.

The sweetest of all sounds is praise.

God hates those who praise themselves.

You can't praise what you don't prize.

Praise God we don't have to hide scars

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