A word in season is most precious.

We need to appreciate how precious life is.

Never forget how precious life is or your loved ones.

Who do you want to be in your one wild and precious life?

We don't ever realize how precious life is while we're living it.

Life is precious. Life is sacred. And it ought so to be observed.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

I realise how precious life is, probably because I've seen how it can be taken away.

This precious life is our opportunity. We are not the millions and millions of other things that are not human.

A company and leaders of the company have the responsibility of the precious lives of all the human beings that work there.

Having a mother with an illness and being there for her, and being there for my children I just realize how precious life is.

Having come so close to death, I now value just how precious life truly is and want to ride what God gave me until the wheels fall off.

I was honored to have served in the Army for my country. I was at Anzio during WWII, and it makes you realize how very precious life is.

I think any time you hear that you're about to paralyze yourself, or even worse, it's just scary because you start to realize how precious life is.

I think I'm very conscientious of how precious life is and how quickly life can be taken away from you, especially at times when it can be least expected.

The best of life is life lived quietly, where nothing happens but our calm journey through the day, where change is imperceptible and the precious life is everything.

I've realized how precious life is. When I was younger, I was more adventurous. I felt invincible. I was game for everything. As a mom, I don't want to get injured because then I can't take care of my kids.

Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from.

I have a collage of pictures of my dad holding my brother and me. I look at that before every game just to remind me about having no fear or regrets and to go out and enjoy the moment, because I know how precious life is.

Finally, after a lot of searching and digging, it was simply the love of family that gave me a road into the character. Once I got into that, and we delved into what it would be like to survive cancer and the ability to see how precious life is, it became easier to play her.

I was thinking about how fleeting and precious life is. Life is also arbitrary. For example, the choices that you make, the luck of being born into the right bed, to parents who support and help you and who love you. That doesn't always happen - and then, what happens when it doesn't?

We're all born into whatever citizenship, circumstances, or class we happen to be born into. Immigrants and so many people in the working class work so hard every day for nickels and pennies and scraps to just barely get by and then realize that this precious life has been completely drained out of us.

Your problem is how you are going to spend this one odd and precious life you have been issued. Whether you're going to spend it trying to look good and creating the illusion that you have power over people and circumstances, or whether you are going to taste it, enjoy it and find out the truth about who you are.

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