Energy is probably the most pressing demand on our planet.

I don't go into any album with pressing issues. I just try to write songs.

As a mother I had to sacrifice a lot due to the pressing demands of my career.

Comedy lives on in the web and TV, but nobody's pressing comedy albums anymore.

I try to show up and do my job and get my work in every day, keep pressing forward.

I think the most pressing issue in our community is probably a generational divide.

The tech industry should make bold commitments to address pressing societal issues.

When Ralf Rangnick was in charge, you could see he was out to force a pressing game.

Part of the western movement is this desire that we, Americans, have to keep pressing on.

It's hard when you get down. You start pressing a little bit trying to get back in the game.

The only way we are going to ameliorate pressing social needs is through public intervention.

Occupation - pressing occupation that will not be said nay - is a sovereign remedy for grief.

I'm not one of these actors who feels a pressing need to direct, and I have no plans to do it.

In this generation, the issue pressing that question on our consciences is the issue of abortion.

I think the good old British democracy should keep scrutinising and pressing to get the truth out.

Raising awareness on the most pressing environmental issues of our time is more important than ever.

How we continue to fund Medicare and Medicaid into the future is a pressing issue of national concern.

As a long-termist, I acknowledge there are more pressing causes than the abolition of private property.

I want the ball for 90 minutes. When I don't have the ball, I go high pressing because I want the ball.

You don't start out getting into the gym and bench pressing 300 pounds. You start out by doing the bar.

The Liberals have been pressing for the brief on the basis of which he said there was authority for war.

If you're overbooked, you can't manage pressing problems or even recognize they're pressing until too late.

As soon as you sit down to write about something you are pressing your nose deeper into the sewer of facts.

Party politics must be transcended to resolve pressing issues like agrarian matters or other similar issues.

Arizona faces many challenges ahead. None is more important or more pressing than passing a new state budget.

I try to tell young guys - like, if I see a young guy pressing, I try to tell him to relax and play your game.

Environmental policy must strike a balance between the earth's best interests and our citizen's pressing needs.

I think that our task as filmmakers is to create the most insightful reality given the most pressing questions.

I have this horrible habit of just pressing online bookmarks that are at the top of my browser like ad infinitum.

When there is a huge force pressing down on freedoms, sub-cultures with more creativity and power are likely to form.

If Bush and Blair are eventually put on trial for war crimes, I shall not be among those pressing for them to be hanged.

While certainly no pressing threat to Gordon Lightfoot, I knew it was simply a matter of time until I was going to be a star.

I think people's imaginations are being neutered by the amount of access they can get to information just by pressing a button.

United are capable of setting up a low block and making it difficult, but they're also capable of coming out and pressing high.

I do a lot of squats, I do a lot of bench pressing. But legs are very important for me. It's more important than arms and shoulders.

The global movement of displaced people, many of whom end up in detention without hope, is one of the most pressing issues of our times.

Between 2007 and 2016, I had a large white rabbit called WillyFred. I was happiest pressing my ear to his fur and hearing his heart beat.

Let a man be but in earnest in praying against a temptation as the tempter is in pressing it, and he needs not proceed by a surer measure.

I think shows being sent out this way - pressing a button and 10 episodes can go out to the U.S.A., and the U.K. and Germany, it's very cool.

There is no such thing as pressing on your own. You need to know where to stand, and you have to coordinate that with the whole team together.

The Himalayan glaciers, China's trade surplus, Olympic ice hockey - the world is full of pressing subjects that people never consult me about.

The way we play at Liverpool is with high-intensity football, pressing high up the pitch, winning the ball back quickly, and counter-pressing.

Since the day the Obama administration first launched its duplicitous Benghazi cover story, Judicial Watch has been pressing for the full truth.

We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.

When a team plays you by pressing so high, if you do not take advantage, they grow in their field, with their atmosphere and the goals they are making.

God puts certain things in certain people. I'm a restless soul. I'm always searching. I'm always pressing to find what truth is and what life is all about.

Health care for all Americans is the most pressing domestic issue today. It's far past time for the President and Congress to deliver health care to everyone.

Ending Iran's nuclear threat and bringing it into the international community of law-abiding nations is one of the most pressing U.S. foreign policy objectives.

A British pressing with a compilation of the best stuff really, I mean actually not only that but, these were all kind of semi hits for the people on it in America.

Saunders didn't beat me. I wasn't battered or shown-up. I made the mistake of not pressing him early, pacing myself too much because it was my first 12-round fight.

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