Value can mean a price. Value can mean exclusivity. Value can mean, 'I can't get it anywhere else, and this is really something I want.'

In 80% of the world, energy will be bought where it is economic. You have to help the rest of the world get energy at a reasonable price.

I sometimes wonder if the tragedies my family has suffered are a kind of karmic price for all the fame and fortune the Bee Gees have had.

The battle is all over except the 'shouting' when one knows what is wanted and has made up his mind to get it, whatever the price may be.

We never had it as rough as the kids have it today. Look at the price of a gallon of gas or a piece of real estate or a college education.

I find it incredible and outrageous that public and school libraries are being forced to close - we'll all pay the price in the long term.

To get to be somebody who gets to love what they do for a living, that's so rare, and so there must be some kind of price you have to pay.

My wealth is reflected in the price of Severstal, and the number of shares I have in my possession doesn't have any impact on the company.

My wife will automatically quote and compare the price of diesel at every petrol station we drive by, like she's got oil-based Tourette's.

Everyone is hungry for content and you are content creators and if you are not negotiating a good price no Robinhood is coming to save you.

Petrol price is a deregulated commodity, price of which is decided by our oil marketing companies based on input cost and other parameters.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Don't store unnecessary data, keep an eye on what's happening, and don't take unnecessary risks.

I've come to the conclusion that the government needs to impose price controls on tuition increases - and so, I think, has President Obama.

One way for investors to protect themselves from a rapid change in the price of a stock is to use a limit order rather than a market order.

For there is a price ticket on everything that puts a whizz into life, and adventure follows the rule. It's distressing, but there you are.

You can find out anything you want about a car now, and especially every bit of information about the price, without relying on the dealers.

People ask about art and commercialism. I think that if someone tries to sell their work at a high price, that is the wrong way of doing it.

Everything worthwhile, everything of any value, has its price. Everything anyone has ever wanted has come neatly wrapped up in its penalties.

This is the price you pay for having a great father. You get the wonder, the joy, the tender moments - and you get the tears at the end, too.

What made women's labour particularly attractive to the capitalists was not only its lower price but also the greater submissiveness of women.

It's a market economy. Apparently the demand for great coaches exceeds the supply, so of course the price of good coaches is going to be high.

The tradition of Chicago price theory is a good one, and it is a low-tech methodology that tries to apply simple economic theory to the world.

Companies that get confused, that think their goal is revenue or stock price or something. You have to focus on the things that lead to those.

Every time there is a terrorist incident involving evil fanatics who abuse the name of Islam, ordinary, law-abiding Muslims pay a heavy price.

I defend both the freedom of expression and society's right to counter it. I must pay the price for differing. It is the natural way of things.

College costs continue to rise, and student loan debt threatens to price many Americans out of a college education and out of the middle class.

The cost of motoring is a massive issue at the moment, there's no question. The price of petrol goes up every time you go to the petrol station.

A shortage is a sign that somebody is keeping the price artificially lower than it would be if supply and demand were allowed to operate freely.

It is proper that the federal government help alleviate short-term disruptions and price spikes such as those brought about by Hurricane Katrina.

My ego thinks I would like to be considered for more heavyweight roles, but the price you pay for that is they are always the same kind of roles.

Waiting tables has never paid my bills, a fact which I prefer to hide from my colleagues with deep sighs about the price of just about everything.

Some of my memories will never return. They are lost - along with the crippling feeling of defeat and hopelessness. Not a tremendous price to pay.

It's great to make your own choices, but there's a price to pay. I could've made more money or been more famous. I could be the current groovy guy.

It's nice to do an IPO where your investors get value straightaway and the share price pops up; it proves you left something on the table for them.

Consumers in both emerging and developed markets want it all - high-performing products, the right price, and a purpose that they can connect with.

You can't allow other people to put a price on what you do, otherwise you don't consider what you do to have any value at all, and that's nonsense.

Note, besides, that it is no more immoral to directly rob citizens than to slip indirect taxes into the price of goods that they cannot do without.

If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.

We develop the kind of citizens we deserve. If a large number of our children grow up into frustration and poverty, we must expect to pay the price.

You should create a work that is so valuable it might eventually sell at a high price, but you've got to concentrate on how you create that artwork.

By planting more, we find new hybrid of cocoa, and by doing that, we lose some quality. So the price of the very high-end chocolates rises even more.

I don't know whether it's age or maturity, but I certainly find myself committed more and more to the looser forms of Western democracy at any price.

I have discovered in 20 years of moving around a ballpark, that the knowledge of the game is usually in inverse proportion to the price of the seats.

It would be a pity if, frustrated by the price of travel, we elected to become a society that never made contact, that never gave SETI a fair chance.

My message is, you can accomplish anything, not just on the athletic field, if you're willing to work pay the price. It doesn't matter what your age.

Global warming creates volatility. I feel it when I'm flying. The storms are more volatile. We are paying the price in more hurricanes and tornadoes.

Every retailer, when they price their goods, looks at their total cost overall. When they have costs go up, they'll price their products accordingly.

America and the world are paying a high price for devotion to the extreme anti-government ideology embraced by Donald Trump and his Republican party.

Bluefin tuna is sort of like the cheetah of the ocean. It's the fastest fish. It's a warm-blooded fish. But it's got a $100,000 price tag on its head.

That is someone who follows the teachings of the nonviolent Jesus and takes the gospel personally, and then pays the price. I fall into that category.

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