We must keep prices under control to ensure that price increases do not exert a major negative impact on people's lives.

Where quality is the thing sought after, the thing of supreme quality is cheap, whatever the price one has to pay for it.

Many scientists and economists also say putting a price on carbon through carbon taxes and/or cap-and-trade is necessary.

When the dollar goes down relative to other currencies, the price of wheat, corn, rice and oil all go up in dollar terms.

Someone like Vincent Price or somebody like Christopher Lee, they never won an award, and it doesn't matter. They're cool.

'Fair' is, like, this incredibly overused term in negotiations: 'I just want what's fair.' 'What's the fair market price?'

We need to make college affordable in price, and also have lower-cost student loans and more available grants for students.

In an efficient market, at any point in time, the actual price of a security will be a good estimate of its intrinsic value.

For me, I'm always looking for the opportunity for a character that challenges me and lets me play two for the price of one.

We need a reasonable price where producers will not start nagging. At a reasonable price, we can invest to produce more oil.

I've done everything I wanted to do, even if I have had to pay a very high price - which has been the case most of the time.

Nature cannot be tricked or cheated. She will give up to you the object of your struggles only after you have paid her price.

Shorts wager on price declines by selling shares that they have borrowed in the hope of buying them back at far lower prices.

I knew Vincent Price from films - he was a big movie star - but the first time I met him was when we filmed 'The Oblong Box.'

There is no fun in psychiatry. If you try to get fun out of it, you pay a considerable price for your unjustifiable optimism.

I'm not as open as I used to be. I'm a little bit more filtered, and it kind of sucks, but it's the price you pay to get paid.

If Obama wanted to make radical changes to America's health long-term, all he has to do is treble the price of sugar and salt.

I have been looking at a number of things in affordable housing because I do know that the price of housing has gone up a lot.

I don't have a problem with fame. I got into this business intending to be very successful, but I wanted it to be at my price.

If you think about it, for any kind of content on the web, the natural price per unit of these things should be under a dollar.

Inflation is bringing us true democracy. For the first time in history, luxuries and necessities are selling at the same price.

My father told me 'Name your price in the beginning. If it ever gets more expensive than the price you name, get out of there.'

I've worn dresses from all different price ranges, and the thing that couture dresses have in common is that the fit is amazing.

A constant struggle, a ceaseless battle to bring success from inhospitable surroundings, is the price of all great achievements.

If I finance a bank and I know if the bank will get in trouble, I will be hit and I will lose money, I will put a price on that.

I know the price of lettuce. You need to understand price and value. You buy the best lettuce you can at the best price you can.

Every nation has to either be with us, or against us. Those who harbor terrorists, or who finance them, are going to pay a price.

The high price of medicines is crippling healthcare systems and denying people access to the treatments they so desperately need.

The one thing people seem to forget is the more oil we have, the lower the price and the lower the profits the oil companies make.

Strong growth means increased use of energy at a pace that can strain the capacity to supply what is needed at a reasonable price.

The value of an item - in the mind of a consumer - is simply the difference between the anticipated price and the price on the tag.

The price of a work of art has nothing to do with what the work of art is, can do, or is worth on an existential, alchemical level.

I wish for a world where everyone understands that discomfort is the price of legendary. And fear is just growth coming to get you.

We want to ensure that food is traded better, farmers get a better price, and consumers are able to access it at affordable prices.

I love a good meal on a train, and if I'm travelling on a discount ticket, the challenge is to eat more than the price of the fare.

The price of being close to the President is delivering bad news. You fail him if you don't tell him the truth. Others won't do it.

Filmmakers who use narrators pay a price for taking the easy way: narrated films date far more quickly than films without narrators.

If the price of continuing my political career is to be complicit in a really bad thing then that's not a price I'm prepared to pay.

What is the thing that Hollywood demands most? Sincerity. No place in the world will pay such a high price for this admirable trait.

Diversity of form factor matters, and not compromising either form factor. You need diversity of price point. That's quite important.

We pay a price when we deprive children of the exposure to the values, principles, and education they need to make them good citizens.

It's fun to play a character who lives on the edge, who is an ethical and moral mess, and is paying the price for some of his actions.

I believe that the high rates of property crime (and some of the increase in violent crime) are part of the price you pay for freedom.

I can't deal with a lot of spice but I have to eat it. I pay the price - I'm on medication for heartburn, so that's how I deal with it.

It is true that I have had heartache and tragedy in my life. These are things none of us avoids. Suffering is the price of being alive.

To be sure, American higher education is a diverse ecosystem, comprising institutions of all sizes, price tags, and mission statements.

Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but it's a small price to pay for living a dream.

As is widely accepted, putting a price on carbon pollution is the lowest cost and most efficient way to tackle dangerous climate change.

I think no woman I have had ever gave me so sweet a moment, or at so light a price, as the moment I owe to a newly heard musical phrase.

But the power of science lies in open publication, which, with the rise of the Internet, is no longer constrained by the price of paper.

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