Jeremy Corbyn is a principled Labour man.

It is usually expensive and lonely to be principled.

I think of myself as intelligent and strong and principled.

I'm not an angry kind of person. What I am is a principled person.

I am principled against selling negroes, as you would do cattle at a market.

Anybody in my job steers a tightrope between being popular and being principled.

We're principled in the direction we're heading, but we're not going to be stubborn.

What I am is a principled conservative individual who believes in fiscal responsibility.

We need a principled foreign policy that consistently and resolutely stands up for freedom.

But my dad also was a remarkable man, a good person, a principled individual, a man of integrity.

A fierce and principled opposition stops a fat, complacent government from making stupid mistakes.

Dad was a very, very principled man, and he hated any kind of story where the baddies get away with it.

I think people are tired of just, this kind of continuous conflict. They want to see principled problem-solving.

Taking a principled and consistent stance over Iraq has attracted much criticism from our detractors and opponents.

We all lose when bullying and personal attacks become a substitute for genuine conversation and principled disagreement.

For the first time in human history, there seems to be a radical increase in the proportion reaching principled morality.

I wish I had been wiser. I wish I had been more effective, I wish I'd been more unifying, I wish I'd been more principled.

Leaders are not dogmatic. They are principled and know that change is never easy, but when it's necessary, they must lead.

Elections should highlight principled disagreements, but they must not obscure our capacity to cooperate for the common good.

CBS's Ed Murrow may have been over-celebrated as the principled observer for the masses, fair yet unafraid to take on the bullies.

Voters are hungry for principled, conservative fighters - because the threat to our liberties from Washington never has been greater.

As the leader of the nation, I say in behalf of the Filipino people to the world: we are strong and principled believers in democracy.

My focus has always been: I can be an incredibly conservative, principled idea person, but that doesn't mean I have to shout at people.

In a world of complex threats, our security and leadership depends on all elements of our power - including strong and principled diplomacy.

U.S. lawmakers should take a firm and principled stand consistent with their rhetoric about the importance of human rights and democracy in Egypt.

Having principled men and women in office is how you protect yourself from tyranny, and that was something I learned from when I was 2, 3, 5 years old.

She is smart. She is principled. She is tough, and she is ready. Hillary is the single most experienced and prepared person who has ever run for president.

There is, and there will be, an increasing demand for a principled global security provider, for a superpower that believes in multilateralism and cooperation.

The best thing you can say about libertarians is that because their views derive from abstract theory, they tend to be highly principled and rigorous in their logic.

So I think that our foreign policy, the president's strong and principled leadership when it comes to the war against terror and foreign policy is going to be an asset.

Basically, the person in the White House should be principled, should have a philosophy about food that relates directly to organic agriculture. I will continue to push for that.

Any time a party has lost three consecutive elections, it becomes a bit more willing to explore the notion of principled compromise so it's able to pursue some of its objectives.

Everyone knows me by now. I love football. I am quite principled in that perspective. It is always difficult to find the perfect match, but I do feel this is the perfect match for me.

Democrats are fighting fire with fire. Our principled stance on Medicare and Social Security is absolutely no different than the Republicans' stance on no revenue increases without cuts.

Being against other people's policies eventually puts you in a downward spiral. It's fine to be principled and oppose views that you don't agree with, but you also have to have an alternative.

Humans violate the rules in a safe and principled way, and the reality is that autonomous vehicles in the future may have to do the same thing if they don't want to be the source of bottlenecks.

Politics is a contest among people of diverse backgrounds and philosophies, advocating different solutions to common problems. The system only works when principled, energetic people participate.

Do we go back and be the mushy middle party? Or do we have conservative, principled ideas for all the issues of the day, from the economy, from foreign policy, defence, security, that's the choice.

Too often, complaint is not about principled objection on moral grounds, but opportunistic objection on grounds of self-interest. To rectify this, we need to work on mastering the art of complaint.

It is hubris that has gotten us into trouble in Washington. It is humility, principled leadership, and unwavering faith in the power of the states, the people, and our Constitution that will get us out.

The great saints were always great innovators... They had to be very strong people... principled people. And, apart from their principles, with great tenacity they had to have great reserves of patience.

There has been no more principled opposition to racism than Jeremy Corbyn: he was getting arrested for protesting against Apartheid when the rest of them were doing deals and calling Nelson Mandela a terrorist.

The truth is that the dream of 'two states for two peoples,' born in the '90s, died in the noughties. The two-state solution, the popular and principled option for so long now, is neither practical nor possible.

I'm a proud conservative and firmly believe in a principled approach to foreign policy - one that builds on our values and interests as a country. This approach has made me a resolute and strong friend to Israel.

In Holland I have seen well-meaning, principled people blinded by multiculturalism, overwhelmed by the imperative to be sensitive and respectful of immigrant culture, while ignoring criminal abuse of women and girls.

It's very nice to be a rebel saying, 'I stand on my principles,' but if in fact that's not going to have any impact on the policy, it may be principled, but it doesn't deliver the better outcome that the country needs.

We need a principled leader who will unite our party by respecting all conservatives. A leader who can show more urban and suburban Canadians that their values of liberty, family and equality are at the core of our party.

Hopefully, at some point, people will at least credit the Republicans with carrying out their oversight responsibilities and with pursuing a principled course of action even in the face of everyone's short-attention spans.

The worst thing you want is a willy-nilly judge who is swayed by the political whims of the era or the time. What you want is a judge who is thinking about what he or she is doing and is thinking about it in a principled way.

They may then be willing to cast principled votes based on an educated understanding of the public interest in the face of polls suggesting that the public itself may have quite a different understanding of where its interest lies.

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