Every invalid is a prisoner.

I'm not an ordinary prisoner.

We are the prisoners of ideas.

In war everybody is a prisoner.

We're not prisoners of the past.

The West has political prisoners.

John McCain was a prisoner of war.

We are all prisoners of our thoughts.

I don't want to live like a prisoner.

The prisoner grows to love his chains.

Don't be a prisoner of your own style!

The Germans are prisoners of their past.

Dinner with water is dinner for prisoners

Bring on the shackles - I'm your prisoner

Not all political prisoners are innocents.

We are all prisoners of our time and place.

One prisoner of conscience is one too many.

We are the prisoners of history. Or are we?

You are only a prisoner when you surrender.

I'm not an optimist. I'm a prisoner of hope.

You shouldn't be a prisoner of your own ideas.

Those who build walls are their own prisoners.

A jailer is as much a prisoner as his prisoner.

If any of my men kill prisoners, I'll kill them.

I was never a prisoner to my footballing status.

Words on the page are never prisoners of the page

Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.

Education has become a prisoner of contemporaneity.

I cannot be an optimist but I am a prisoner of hope.

Structures of which we are unaware hold us prisoner.

There is no greater hell than to be a prisoner of fear.

The unhappy are prisoners of a single round of thought.

Paul was Nero's prisoner, but Nero was much more God's.

... all Americans are the prisoners of racial prejudice.

People don't even know that we have political prisoners.

The curiosity to see the prisoners appears to be unabated

There are few prisoners more closely guarded than princes.

I will be a model prisoner, as I have been a model citizen

Prejudice makes prisoners of both the hated and the hater.

I will be a model prisoner, as I have been a model citizen.

We are all prisoner, but the name of our cure is not freedom

You're a tourist in sexual perversion. I'm a prisoner there.

I've always been opposed myself to prisoners having the vote.

Help! I'm being held prisoner by my heredity and environment.

Whatever we think of the past, we must not be prisoners to it.

The middle class, that prisoner of the barbarian 20th century.

We are prisoners of our own metaphors, metaphorically speaking.

Prisoners at the bar, have you anything to say in your defence?

It is not the prisoners who need reformation, it is the prisons.

The African prisoners are orderly and peaceable among themselves.

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