Rule of law is based on probable cause.

Reality is not always probable, or likely.

Farce treats the improbable as probable, the impossible as possible.

Nuclear terrorism is possible - it may be probable - but is survivable.

Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities.

As it gets closer and more probable, being a star is really losing its meaning.

I have a vast curiosity about our universe, our origins, and its probable future.

I think going to college for that one year was probable the best thing I have ever done.

If something's important enough, you should try. Even if - the probable outcome is failure.

When it is not in our power to follow what is true, we ought to follow what is most probable.

It all comes down to probable cause: If you think something's up, maybe you gotta take a look.

It is hard to say what the future holds, but this is probable - it won't be just like the past.

It is probable that there is no one thing that it is of eminent importance for a child to learn.

Ergo, because of the money problem, it is probable that our orchestras will soon go down in quality.

My duty is to make probable the improbable. If I tell you how I did it, I will ruin your experience.

We believe that the way you dress and the shoes you wear are not probable cause for questioning or arrest.

When mankind first saw the necessity of government, it is probable that many had conceived the desire of ruling.

We said that with initial LIGO, detections would be possible, and with Advanced LIGO, detections would be probable.

Quality-of-life policing is based on probable cause - an officer has witnessed a crime personally or has a witness to the crime.

Predicting innovation is something of a self-canceling exercise: the most probable innovations are probably the least innovative.

Complex, statistically improbable things are by their nature more difficult to explain than simple, statistically probable things.

I will embrace the first opportunity to get to California and it is altogether probable that when once there I shall never again leave it.

A person's mere propinquity to others independently suspected of criminal activity does not give rise to probable cause to search that person.

Let us be shy no longer. Let us go to our strength. Let us offer hope. Let us tell the world that a new age is not only possible but probable.

If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.

You don't need any indictment in order to arrest someone; probable cause is sufficient to arrest civilians, so it must be enough to arrest police.

It is probable that Facebook boasts the broadest, deepest, and most comprehensive dataset of human information, interests, and activity ever collected.

I believe that in a great city, or even in a small city or a village, a great theater is the outward and visible sign of an inward and probable culture.

Nothing seems to me more doubtful than Aristotle's remark that it is probable the arts and philosophy have several times been discovered and several times lost.

Many people genuinely do not want to be saints, and it is probable that some who achieve or aspire to sainthood have never felt much temptation to be human beings.

It is probable that England will look favorably upon the independence of the Philippines, for it will open their ports to her and afford greater freedom to her commerce.

From the standpoint of observation, then, we must regard it as a highly probable hypothesis that the beginnings of the mental life date from as far back as the beginnings of life at large.

I do have to earn a living, so I'm conscious of probable reactions from readers, but the most important one is still the awareness that if I'm not enjoying a story, the reader won't either.

The sea has now changed from it's natural, to river coloured water, the probable consequence of some streams falling into the bay, or into the ocean to the north of it, through the low land.

Do we want a back door in an iPhone where the government can go in to track movements if they have probable cause? I know the director of the FBI and local law enforcement want that capability.

So you don't speak English, you have no ID, you can't tell where you're from... that's suspicion, it's lower than probable cause. And then we have a right to call immigration and check you out.

Suicide is possible, but not probable; hanging, I trust, is even more unlikely; for I hope that, by the time I die, my countrymen will have become civilised enough to abolish capital punishment.

Often one postulates that a priori, all states are equally probable. This is not true in the world as we see it. This world is not correctly described by the physics which assumes this postulate.

It is probable that for a long time to come the mass of mankind in civilized countries will find it both necessary and advantageous to labor for wages, and to accept the condition of hired laborers.

It's the default premise in science: If you observe something in nature only once, you assume that what you've seen is typical. That's because 'typical' is just another way of saying 'most probable.'

I don't say 'Tis impossible for an impudent man not to rise in the world, but a moderate merit with a large share of impudence is more probable to be advanced than the greatest qualifications without it.

If governments let themselves be fully bound by the decisions of their parliaments without protecting their own freedom to act, a breakup of Europe would be a more probable outcome than deeper integration.

The disappearance of Israel as a Zionist project, through war, cultural exhaustion or demographic momentum, is... plausible... Many Israelis see the demise of the country as not just possible, but probable.

A few of the sublimest geniuses of Rome and Athens had some faint discoveries of the spiritual nature of the human soul, and formed some probable conjectures, that man was designed for a future state of existence.

I don't have goals when writing books, apart from getting to the end. I have rather vague ideas about how I want things to feel, I'm big on ambience. I have a title, a beginning and a probable ending and go from there.

I cannot be much pleased without an appearance of truth; at least of possibility I wish the history to be natural though the sentiments are refined; and the characters to be probable, though their behaviour is excelling.

Overall, I adhere to the one guiding rule any author writing historical fiction should follow: whatever you describe has to be possible. It may not be common, obvious, or even all that probable, but it absolutely has to be possible.

The Tigris is so fierce and rapid, and swallows its alluvial banks so greedily, that it is probable that some of the buildings described by the Hebrew traveller Benjamin of Tudela as existing in the twelfth century were long since carried away.

Whether the prayer of Seneca was granted we do not know; but, as we do not again hear of Marcus, it is probable that he died before his father, and that the line of Seneca, like that of so many great men, became extinct in the second generation.

In the discovery of secret things and in the investigation of hidden causes, stronger reasons are obtained from sure experiments and demonstrated arguments than from probable conjectures and the opinions of philosophical speculators of the common sort.

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