I believe in professionalism, less in politicians.

What worries me is the professionalism of everything.

I just have to make sure I maintain my professionalism.

The trouble with specialists is that they tend to think in grooves.

Professional men, they have no cares; whatever happens, they get theirs.

I'm not a great programmer; I'm just a good programmer with great habits.

My idea of professionalism is probably a lot of people's idea of obsessive.

I think professionalism is important, and professionalism means you get paid.

I take work very seriously and telling the truth in my job and professionalism.

Professionalism in law has brought us the O.J. Simpson case in lieu of justice.

Throughout my life, I have valued relationships far more than the professionalism.

Professionalism is nothing but a crude insistance on the mechanization of mankind.

Without professionalism I'd be an amateur, and the clients I want don't hire amateurs.

It occured to me that eating is the only form of professionalism most people ever attain.

Gerald Green is a fine Coach and Trainer, I have every confidence in his professionalism.

It occurred to me that eating is the only form of professionalism most people ever attain.

I think that I learned a studio system prefers a sort of professionalism from the director.

I probably complicate things unnecessarily now just to give the illusion of professionalism.

I think I have grown as a better actor, I have learnt more about people and professionalism.

Success comes from doing what you enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, how can it be called success?

I've always had full confidence in the professionalism and the assessment of the armed forces.

We're trying to get the SEAL community back to where we think it should be - quiet professionalism.

Politics aside, it will be hard for any new liberal radio network to outdo the professionalism of NPR.

Our organisation and culture is based on professionalism and values. I think my children reflect both.

Long, flat expanses of professionalism bother me. I'd rather have a band that could explode at any time.

I've known Roger Ailes for 15 years, and I have been treated with the utmost professionalism and respect.

When did you feel most fulfilled? When did you impress yourself, or otherwise feel most proud of yourself?

We forget that the most successful statesmen have been professionals. Lincoln was a professional politician.

I appreciate the level of professionalism and talent that I get to be around every night, eight times a week.

Given the professionalism of Michigan teachers, I think they're not teaching because of the financial rewards.

Ordinary professionalism and 20 years' experience can accomplish a lot, but it can't access the hidden places.

Being successful is about professionalism, and chewing gum is unprofessional. Its also a huge pet peeve of mine.

I think the thing that's impressed me the most has been the fantastic professionalism of the officials in the Senate.

I believe in professionalism, but playing is not like a job. You have to be grateful to have the opportunity to play.

Professionalism in medicine has given us medial miracles for the affluent but hospitals that will charge $35 for aspirin.

Working with Michael Chiklis is a lesson in professionalism and staying focused. That's what Chiklis brings all day long.

I believe in professionalism and I believe in putting on the best possible match regardless of the scenario for our audience.

I honestly think what skyrocketed me into professionalism was learning how to play two people and still live through the day.

Whether or not your values are operational is crucially determined by whether or not there are consequences for noncompliance.

My ambition with Al Ahli is to be an example for the local players. They must learn that professionalism is the path to success.

China, I didn't take it seriously; it was a lack of professionalism. They delayed to send us a written offer - It was a disaster.

KPMG is committed to the highest standards of professionalism, , and quality, and we are dedicated to the capital markets we serve.

Anytime Tom Watson is on your team, you've won. His passion, professionalism, attention to detail, and leadership are unparalleled.

The professionalism and everything is same in both the industries. The only difference between Bhojpuri cinema and Bollywood is budget.

What you do with your billable time determines your current income, but what you do with your non-billable time determines your future.

I don't want to see the military falling. I want to see the military rising to dignified heights of professionalism and true patriotism.

What people don't realize is that professionals are sensational because of the fundamentals. The sensationalism has taken over the professionalism.

My own position is so far on the obsessive side of preparation and professionalism that I fear my point of view is not going to be shared by anyone.

If professionalism in golf equals athleticism, then athleticism should be promoted and showcased, and that means allowing the clothes that promote it.

It is good for a professional to be reminded that his professionalism is only a husk, that the real person must remain an amateur, a lover of the work.

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