I used to dance professionally in Delhi.

I've acted professionally since I was 16.

I started acting professionally at age 19.

I had been writing professionally since 1988.

I mean, I've acted professionally since I was 16.

My life has been quite interesting professionally.

I was so naive when I began acting, professionally.

As a private person, professionally I am invisible.

I started making music professionally when I was 14.

I don't think I've ever done anything professionally.

I knew I wanted to write professionally and get paid.

Actresses are just professionally lovely, aren't they?

My life is together, both professionally and socially.

My mom actively did not want me to play professionally.

There's been times when it has been tough professionally.

I've been an actor all of my life, but not professionally.

I started to sing professionally when I was about 13 or 14.

I hadn't focused on mechanics since I signed professionally.

I didn't actually begin professionally acting until I was 30.

Every time I get my makeup professionally done, I take a photo.

I can sing, but it isn't something I crave to do professionally.

I have had a holiday, and I'd like to take it up professionally.

Professionally, I want to keep playing music; I can't escape that.

Professionally, I made my first film at 20 in a war zone in Kosovo.

I've been acting since I was six years old, but not professionally.

I've always done magic as a hobby. I've done it professionally, too.

If you play professionally, you can expect to go broke at some point.

I've always thrived on challenges, both personally and professionally.

When you do portraits professionally it's not a desire, it's for money.

The only real reason to write professionally is that you love it enough.

Professionally, I haven't done any film in 2013 as I was studying in NYU.

So many people aren't ready for Hollywood - professionally or practically.

It's 'LP' personally and professionally. Even my girlfriend calls me 'LP.'

I have learned to feel my way through life, personally and professionally.

I guess professionally I've left my gender open to artistic interpretation.

I did choir in high school, but I didn't sing professionally anywhere ever.

I have immense respect for Loretta Lynch both personally and professionally.

Technology has been, and always will be, my one true passion professionally.

My conviction is that a full professional also wants to live professionally.

Wrestlemania 34 was a huge moment for me both professionally and personally.

Everything in my life has happened very early, personally and professionally.

I'd dreamt of playing professionally since I was 15, that's the route I took.

Professionally, I did a couple of operas when I was in school, when I was 18.

While I was in high school, I started working professionally and got an agent.

Professionally, I like doing one thing at a time and enjoy directing the most.

Success is tricky to deal with, both professionally and in your personal life.

No one pursued music professionally in my family but they are all music lovers.

I always loved writing, but never considered that I could do it professionally.

I had a plan. I played football professionally but I also studied at university.

I've been driving race cars professionally for a while: 200 mph types of things.

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