Integrity is doing what you said you would do. It means you keep your promises.

It is better to be as low as hell with a promise, than in Paradise without one.

People realise that his promise [Tony Blair's] to 'save the NHS' was just talk.

Faith in God's promises means not always following the expected, rational path.

I want to avoid personal attacks, ... I promise not to make fun of your singing.

I promise you, if you have a plan, you can accomplish everything you ever wanted

Renewing the promise of America begins with upholding the dignity of human life.

Giants in Their promises, but those obtained, weak pigmies In their performance.

False as the adulterate promises of favorites in power when poor men court them.

Did you know that Allah promises you a seat in Paradise if you kill a Christian?

I promise you I try very hard to stay out of party politics. I run away from it.

I'm not a gentle pony... I promise you, you will have to work to keep your seat.

Put up your guards, keep faith in God, I promise you all the world will be ours.

Drink moderately, for drunkeness neither keeps a secret, nor observes a promise.

All of the off-field stuff, I can promise you, it doesn't even register with me.

Please give me some good advice in your next letter. I promise not to follow it.

What use of oaths, of promise, or of test, where men regard no God but interest?

I am for the world's salvation, I will quarrel with no means that promises help.

You know, to address crowds and make promises does not require very much brains.

Life is love, enjoy it. Life is mystery, know it. Life is a promise, fulfill it.

Like all paradises, Topanga is pitched at the tipping point of promise and peril.

Not to decide is to decide not to, nowhere in the bible does it promise tomorrow.

We promise in proportion to our hopes, and we deliver in proportion to our fears.

For me, the American promise isn't just an idea or a theory - it's my life story.

Five tender apricots in a blue bowl, a brief and exact promise of things to come.

Hearts get infiltrated. Promises get broken. Rules get shattered. Love gets ugly.

It is cheap generosity which promises the future in compensation for the present.

Before you pledge your undying love to someone, make them promise they won't die.

Currently I'm not a crazy ex-girlfriend, but I can't promise I won't be one again.

In a promise, what you thought, and not what you said, is always to be considered.

The rigid cause themselves to be broken; the pliable cause themselves to be bound.

Smiling half-reluctance seems to promise more than the frankest gesture of desire.

The promises of God become the power of God when they are believed and acted upon.

No circumstance, person, or difficulty can stop the plans and the promises of God.

What the people want is very simple - they want an America as good as its promise.

If you come back; I'll marry you. If you break your promise, you'll break my heart

Sometimes you have to fulfill a promise in order to deserve the love you're given.

Passive perception promotes pessimism; Persistent perseverance promises prosperity

I promise. I promise, you have my heart, and you have me. You will always have me.

Catalysts offer the promise of making chemical transformations far less polluting.

I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here.

Lovely promise and quick ruin are seen nowhere better than in Gothic architecture.

Here is the ghost Of a summer that lived for us, Ere is a promise Of summer to be.

Elect me as your congressman today, I promise you an Ilocano president in 20 years.

Breach of promise is no less an act of insolvency than a refusal to pay one's debt.

Take the road to contradiction, it'll lead you, I promise, to the palace of wisdom.

Love the world With your heart's dreams. Serve the world With your life's promises.

Never make a promise which you think is hard to keep. Never make a promise though!!

Christianity promises to make men free; it never promises to make them independent.

When a politician bends the truth or a CEO breaks a promise, trust takes a beating.

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