People are all alike in their promises. It is only in their deeds that they differ.

Its important for people to know that I will make many promises to get their votes.

In politics, sometimes you have to lie, or you make a promise that you cannot keep.

Are you tired of sand being kicked in your face? I promise you new muscles in days!

A promise must be about actions: no one can promise to go on feeling a certain way.

You promise me, he said. That you love him. Enough to marry him and make him happy.

I promise you, Donald [Trump], there's nothing about you that makes anyone nervous.

If you try to shoot me, I will have to shoot you back and I promise I will not miss.

In your promises cleave to what is right, And you will be able to fulfill your word.

The still must tease with the promise of a story the viewer of it itches to be told.

To be committed means you are willing to make a promise with no exception of return.

The great promise of Scripture is that every day is a day that's worth rejoicing in.

Here, let's go to my dressing room, and I promise, I'll only put it in for a second.

See that you promise: what harm is there in promise? In promises anyone can be rich.

I promise that no one wants to deliver a winner to Fulham supporters more than I do.

A man will always promise to do more than he can do to a woman he cannot understand.

All those countries who keep their aid promises should be proud of what they've done

Trust in the person's promise who dares to refuse what they fear they cannot perform.

Slavery was the betrayal of the American Promise at the moment that promise was made.

Gambling promises the poor what property performs for the rich-something for nothing.

It is the purpose that makes strong the vow; But vows to every purpose must not hold.

My ring represents a promise to myself and to God that I'll stay pure until marriage.

There is no place for faith if we expect God to fulfill immediately what he promises.

If the world breaks a million and one promises, can you trust the million and second?

When anyone gives a promise, then such should be kept, and so under any circumstance.

We're like the wicked witch. We promise gingerbread, then eat the little brats alive.

Another life, if it were not better than this, would be less a promise than a threat.

The promise of the Internet is being held back by Visa, Master Card, American Express.

If you know who you are, it takes all the power away from that negativity.. I promise.

I'm going to marry you one day, you know." "Is that a promise?" "If you want it to be.

I promise to do everything I can to earn back the trust of everyone I've disappointed.

We believe in the Australian promise; that if you work hard, you won't be left behind.

A mind that is conscious of its integrity scorns to say more than it means to perform.

I promise not to let you down. I will be your servant with all humility and gratitude.

I will You, in all, Myself, with promise to never desert you, To which I sign my name.

I promise you, the gym has taken away so much of my stress. It has helped calm me down.

...Families are Forever, and wondered if the slogan was meant as a promise or a threat.

Donald Trump must be taken seriously. He is fulfilling his dangerous campaign promises.

The key that unlocks the treasure chest of God's peace is faith in the promises of God.

Don't ever promise more than you can deliver, but always deliver more than you promise.

Let's prove that the American dream is big enough for everyone to share in its promise.

Next time!' In what calendar are kept the records of those next times which never come?

Father sticks to it that anything that promises to pay too much can't help being risky.

With every kiss, we'll promise this, we'll find a way to light the dawn of all we wish.

Promise yourself to live your life as a revolution and not just a process of evolution.

Every work of art is a great promise of escape and, therefore, like an open invitation.

We don’t need any more promises. We need to start keeping the promises we already made.

Those whom you can make like themselves better will, I promise you, like you very well.

Social Security and Medicare represent promises made and we must keep these commitments.

There is no promise too hard for God to fulfill. No prayer is too big for Him to answer!

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